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ENB:05:14 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]

Sectoral Issues

--Chapter 6: health

--Chapter 7: human settlements

--Chapter 18: freshwater resources

--Chapter 21: solid wastes and sewage

--Chapter 19: toxic chemicals

--Chapter 20: hazardous wastes

-- Chapter 22: radioactive wastes

In preparation for this session, the Secretariat has been asked to prepare a number of reports, including: an annual overview report on progress made in the implementation of Agenda 21; thematic reports corresponding to the Agenda 21 sectoral clusters listed above; corresponding reports on the activities of IGOs within and outside the UN system; a report on financial flows and mechanisms to implement Agenda 21; and a progress report on the implementation of Chapter 34 on technology transfer.

Likewise, the Commission asked Governments to prepare reports for the Commission in accordance with the multi-year thematic programme of work. These reports must be in one of the official UN languages, not exceed 50 pages, refer to specific facts and data that would reflect improvements or degradation of situations, and be submitted to the Secretariat at least three months prior to the start of the 1994 CSD session.

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