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ENB:05:23 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


CSD Chair Klaus T”pfer welcomed the delegates and asked Savitri Kunadi, Chair of Working Group I, to introduce that Group's work. She noted that although discussions were difficult, they had reached consensus on five texts. They did not complete consideration of the trade and environment and consumption and production patterns drafts, although separate consultations were ongoing. The Plenary then adopted ad referendum the texts on decision-making structures, role of major groups, and information provided by governments and organizations. The finance text was adopted ad referendum, as amended.

Dr. Tunguru Huaraka introduced the agreement of the informal working group on intersessional work. Tunisia, supported by Morocco, suggested that the ad hoc group on finance consider institutional building and case studies, in addition to the financial aspects of the transfer of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) (paragraph 3(a)). Japan, the EU and the US disagreed, noting that the draft agreement had been agreed the night before. T”pfer suggested that the brackets around paragraph 15.1 of the technology transfer text (report on issues of EST transfer to the ad hoc groups) could be removed and then the two documents would reference each other. The text was adopted ad referendum on this understanding.

Delegates then addressed the bracketed sections in the technology transfer text. The US suggested retention of the call for involvement of experts, the private sector and NGOs (paragraph 15.3), and deletion of all but the references in 15.1 to the two intersessional ad hoc working groups. The text was adopted ad referendum, as amended.

Delegates then addressed the text on trade, environment and sustainable development, which was negotiated in an informal-informal meeting late Tuesday night. The text was adopted ad referendum, as corrected by the Secretariat and amended by China. T”pfer then suggested that Dr. Huaraka coordinate informal negotiations on the text on changes in consumption and production patterns, which was distributed earlier in the morning.

Dr. Maciej Nowicki, Chair of Working Group II, presented his Group's work, noting that its meetings had been very constructive. The Plenary adopted the texts on toxic chemicals, hazardous wastes, water and human settlements ad referendum. Slight amendments were made to the drafts on human health and radioactive wastes to reflect the decisions of the Working Group, and they were also adopted ad referendum. The US announced it was disassociating itself from paragraphs 10 and 11 (UNEP involvement) in the hazardous wastes text, on the grounds that UNEP does not have the expertise to carry out the indicated tasks.

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