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ECOSOC: At its meeting in Geneva from 26 June - 28 July 1995, the Economic and Social Council will review the report of the CSD. ECOSOC will also have to review the programme budget implications for the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests and the dates for the first meeting of the Panel. One of the major challenges before ECOSOC this year is the discussion on the comprehensive and coordinated follow-up to the recent international conferences, including UNCED, the International Conference on Population and Development, the World Summit for Social Development, the Fourth World Conference on Women and Habitat II.

CSD AD HOC INTERSESSIONAL WORKING GROUPS: The CSD agreed to continue the work of the ad hoc open-ended intersessional working groups. The working group on sectoral issues will address atmosphere, oceans, all kinds of seas and coastal areas. The finance working group will address financial resources and mechanisms, and changing consumption patterns. Both groups will discuss transfer of technology, cooperation and capacity building. Look for an announcement on the dates and agendas of these two working groups, which are likely to meet early in 1996.

CSD INTERGOVERNMENTAL PANEL ON FORESTS: The budgetary and staff implications of the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests by the third session of the CSD will be discussed at the ECOSOC meeting in Geneva this summer. Look for an announcement about the dates and location of the first meeting of the Panel.

GOVERNMENT-SPONSORED INTERSESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: During the coming months, individual governments and international organizations will be hosting meetings and workshops to contribute to the work of the CSD at its fourth session. During the CSD meeting, the following governments announced plans to hold such intersessional meetings:

  • The Czech Republic will organize a workshop on education for sustainable development in Prague later this year;
  • Israel and Japan will co-sponsor a symposium on water management in Israel from 15-19 May 1995;
  • The Philippines and Canada will co-host a workshop on persistent organic pollutants in Vancouver, Canada, from 4-8 June 1995;
  • The Philippines and the Earth Council will co-host a meeting of National Councils for Sustainable Development in Asia, which will take place in Manila from 18-19 June 1995;
  • The Netherlands will host a workshop on biotechnology for cleaner production from 8-9 June 1995;
  • The UK will host an international workshop on oceans this winter;
  • The Republic of Korea will host an international workshop on changing consumption patterns and waste reduction;
  • The Netherlands will host an international workshop on the relationship between government and industry;
  • Germany will host a workshop organized by SCOPE, in cooperation with UNEP, to further promote the development of indicators for sustainable development;
  • Bulgaria will host a conference in Sophia to promote Rio goals in Central and Eastern Europe;
  • Belarus proposed convening an international conference on sustainable development and countries with economies in transition.
  • Japan will host the World Conference of Local Initiatives for Sustainable Cities in Yokohama in November;
  • Finland proposed organizing a meeting on criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management.
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