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ENB:05:68 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Co-Chairs’ draft indicates that this section could serve as a preamble or declaration. A number of speakers called for the latter. The Statement of Commitment was not discussed as extensively as the other draft sections. Some delegates suggested that it would benefit from high-level input at CSD-5. Many called for a recommitment to the UNCED agreements. EGYPT said any declaration should reaffirm but not replicate the Rio Declaration. MEXICO emphasized that this should be a political statement but not a list of principles. ICELAND said the declaration should be concise and, where possible, set dates and targets. The REPUBLIC OF KOREA suggested that this section highlight long-term objectives. The EU emphasized the need for the text to be forward-looking. PAKISTAN called for references to implementation of commitments. The US hoped that the Co-Chairs would take the necessary time to make this section live up to the Group’s expectations.

The Co-Chairs’ draft Statement of Commitment contains six points indicating that it should, inter alia: be politically attractive and provide a clear focus; reaffirm the Rio documents; highlight the main achievements since UNCED; address the vicious circle of poverty, lack of capacity and resources; reiterate the need for changing consumption and production patterns; and focus on implementation and commitments.