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ENB:05:77 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


A revised draft text on forests, a draft decision on streamlining of national reporting and a supplement to the compilation text were circulated in the morning. The G-77/CHINA expressed concern that their amendments had not been accurately reflected in the compilation text.

IMPLEMENTATION IN AREAS REQUIRING URGENT ACTION: In paragraph 16 (approach to sustainable development), the G-77/CHINA supported referring specifically to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, but the US and NORWAY objected. Delegates agreed to note that, while it is the primary responsibility of national governments, international cooperation is essential, recognizing inter alia the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities as stated in Principle 7. Bracketed text remains regarding an effort “particularly on” (G-77/CHINA) or “including” (EU) cross-sectoral matters.

Integration of Economic, Social and Environmental Objectives: In 17, delegations accepted Co-Chair Amorim’s suggestion to move references to the need for integration of energy and transport, agriculture and water, and marine resource issues to the Sectors and Issues section. A G-77/CHINA amendment on the mutually reinforcing relationship between economic, social and environmental objectives was agreed. On economic growth, delegates agreed to consider and bracket language from the UN Agenda for Development currently under negotiation, stating that sustained economic growth is essential to the economic and social development of all countries, especially developing countries. The US and CANADA objected to a G-77/CHINA reference to economic growth as a “precondition” for sustainable development. The G-77/CHINA opposed proposals for qualified references, such as “sound” economic growth.

On 17bis (a G-77/CHINA proposal on an enabling international economic environment), the EU proposed deleting text stating that globalization has tilted the balance of responsibility for development toward the international level. The US proposed deleting text on an unsupportive international environment thwarting developing country efforts and on the “increasingly widening” gap between developed and developing countries.

Regarding social objectives, G-77/CHINA-proposed text on social and environmental considerations of development was accepted. The G-77/CHINA objected to proposals by SWITZERLAND (on the interaction between economic growth, employment creation and environmental standards, protection of basic worker rights and respect for ILO conventions) and the EU (on democracy and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms). A contact group held informal consultations on these proposals in the afternoon. The group agreed that the text begin with G-77/CHINA language, which states that growth can foster development if benefits are fully shared and it is guided by equity, justice, social and environmental considerations, and that development must involve measures to improve the human condition and the quality of life. The group also agreed to include the EU’s text on democracy and human rights, but without a specific reference fundamental labor standards. Although some delegations opposed the inclusion of references to ILO conventions, it was decided to temporarily move the Swiss proposal to the series of subparagraphs yet to be negotiated on strategies to integrate social, economic and environmental objectives.

Delegates also added 17quart (integration of environment into all sectors), comprised of: G-77/CHINA language noting that sustainable development strategies are important mechanisms to enhance and link national capacity; US text noting that achievement cannot be made without greater integration at all policy-making levels; and the Co-Chairs’ draft text noting that economic sectors must assume responsibility for the impacts of their activities. The G-77/CHINA added a reference to integration at the “operational level” in the US text.

At the close of the meeting, the EU stressed the limited time remaining for negotiations and requested that the Co-Chairs prepare a consolidated draft to replace the compilation text as the basis for negotiations on Monday. The Chair said it would be “a big risk” to redraft the text prior to a full airing of views on the proposed amendments.

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