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ENB:05:78 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


FORESTS: Delegates debated whether the purpose of a subparagraph on further clarification of issues is to identify issues “arising from the IPF” or issues that remain unresolved from the IPF, and whether technology transfer is among these issues. One delegation proposed specifying that such issues include: trade-related measures affecting forest products and services; the potential role of enhanced trade in promoting SFM; and forest-related traditional knowledge. A new subparagraph was proposed calling on national, regional and international programmes to include synergies in the use of forests as sources of renewable energy for local communities in least developed countries. A G- 77/CHINA position was presented on the paragraph on promoting the implementation of the IPF’s action proposals. A revised draft text incorporating these and other amendments was circulated in the afternoon.

INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS: The group began negotiating a new draft text. Issues discussed included: the “context of the broader reform agenda of the UN;” administrative and budgetary autonomy for convention secretariats; assessment of national reports by the UN Regional Commissions; coordination at the field level; and a reference to UNEP’s 19th Governing Council’s decision of 4 April 1997.