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To maximize the limited time available, the Chair proposed that the PrepCom hold a series of informal consultations of the whole (ICW) to consolidate input on substantive aspects of the Cairo document, as well as the twenty year goals which were proposed by Dr. Nafis Sadik. The ICW was chaired by PrepCom Vice Chair Nicolaas H. Biegman of the Netherlands.

Discussions on the substance of the final document were carried out in the ICW. To facilitate the discussions, the Secretariat agreed to prepare two-page discussion papers, which included sets of themes and strategies for the following clusters of issues:

  • 1. Interrelationship between population, development and environment and related matters;
  • 2. Gender issues, particularly the role and status of women;
  • 3. Reproductive rights , reproductive health and family planning including maternal health and infant mortality, abortion, AIDS, STDs and adolescents;
  • 4. Population Distribution, Internal and International Migration; and
  • 5. Resource Allocation, resource mobilization, the role of governments and other sectors.
The purpose of the Secretariat's cluster papers was to stimulate discussion and give the opportunity for countries to provide the Secretariat with the substantive input that will be needed to draft the final document before PrepCom III in April 1994. Each of the cluster documents included a section on general themes and a section on strategies for the next 20 years. In addition to the five clusters, the ICW also discussed a set of proposed goals for 2015, which had been proposed by Dr. Nafis Sadik, as well as the preamble and a section of guiding principles that had been outlined in the Secretariat's draft conceptual framework. [Return to start of article]