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ENB:06:11 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]

Cluster 5 - Resource allocation, resource mobilization, the role of governments and other sectors:

India, the G-77, Brazil and the Women's Caucus agreed that increased attention should be given to population activities at the national level. There was also agreement that national social sector expenditures should rise by 20-30%. Iran pointed out that targets for social spending should take into account the varying capacities of developing countries. Many governments such as the US, the UK and Canada called for greater partnership between governments and NGOs in the implementation of population activities. Numerous developing countries, including the G-77 and Iran, called for the international community to clarify its commitments to population funding. Sweden called on industrialized countries to do more in this regard, but also suggested that regional funding figures would be more realistic than global targets.

Morocco expressed hope that military expenditures could, in part, be redirected to cover population activities. This was echoed by the Women's Caucus, who added that increased sources of funding could be mobilized by reform of structural adjustment programmes and debt relief.