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The Conference on Population and Development in the Maghreb Countries was held in Tunis from 7-10 July 1993. The Conference focused on the challenge faced by the Maghreb countries (Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia) with regard to growing populations, increasing needs and scarce resources. The Conference adopted a Plan of Action that recognizes the different demographic situations in each of the Maghreb countries, but also stresses issues common to all five, including an increased labor force and the resulting pressures toward migration, high fertility rates, the need to widen the range of economic opportunity, and the importance of women in the development process. The Plan is based on principles adopted by the regional conferences for the Arab countries and for Africa held in preparation for ICPD PrepCom II. The Amman Declaration emphasized the role and status of women as well as the role of NGOs. The Dakar/Ngor Declaration on population, family and sustainable development asserted the primary importance of the family and the responsibility of governments to improve the quality of life for each person.