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In introducing the text of draft resolution A/C.2/49/L.47, "United Nations conference on international migration and development," on 29 November 1994, Algeria, on behalf of the G-77 and China, noted that the discussion on this issue took place in Cairo within the context of Chapter X (International Migration) of the Programme of Action. In Cairo there was broad support for convening a conference on international migration and development and in the Plenary debate at the General Assembly this commitment was renewed by a large number of countries. The draft called for convening this conference in 1997.

In spite of the support for convening such a conference, after informal consultations the Second Committee agreed to postpone any decision for another year. This was based largely on the fact that there were draft resolutions before the Second Committee calling for convening multiple conferences, including a conference on South-South cooperation and a conference on public admininistration and development. Due, in part, to the large number of international conferences already on the over- burdened conference calendar, delegates agreed to postpone consideration of these conferences.

Thus, the revised draft resolution (A/C.2/49/L.74) submitted by the Vice-Chair, Arjen Hamburger, on the basis of informal consultations, requests the Secretary-General to prepare, in consultation with States and relevant international and regional organizations, a report on international migration and development to be submitted to ECOSOC at its substantive session in 1995. This report would include aspects relating to objectives and modalities for convening a UN conference on international migration and development. The resolution also requests the Secretary-General, on the basis of ECOSOC"s discussion, to report on the subject to the General Assembly at its 50th session for a decision on the convening of such a conference.

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