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ENB:07:15 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The decision to hold two further negotiating sessions during 1994 raises a series of procedural concerns, which were discussed in the corridors by some of the delegates who will have to deal with this issue at the next General Assembly. As this Conference is part of the implementation of decisions and recommendations of UNCED, it will be handled by the Second Committee of the General Assembly under item 100(c) of the provisional agenda (A/48/150). Any resolution calling for additional negotiating sessions of this Conference will have to include a statement of programme budget implications considered by the Fifth Committee, which handles administrative and budgetary matters. Based on the figures in the budget implications for the 1993 session (A/C.5/47/78), it is estimated that additional sessions of three and two weeks in 1994 will cost approximately US$1,230,000 for conference servicing (translation, interpretation, etc.).