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ENB:07:39 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Japan said it could agree to the purpose of this text, but asked that regional organizations specify the particular data to collect, since each region has different characteristics. The EU agreed. Japan said that for practical purposes, all the information that would apply worldwide need not be specified here. The data should be set in terms of standards and examples, but not of minima. Brazil said that these amendments were too radical and should have been tabled earlier. Australia, supported by New Zealand, Fiji and Micronesia, said she understood Japan's concerns, but thought that the RNT was sufficiently flexible. Peru concurred, as did Papua New Guinea, who supported even stronger requirements.

Japan, Poland, Korea and the EU argued that data should be collected both from the high seas and the exclusive zones. He added that it should also be clear from the beginning of Annex 1 that the collection of data will occur within the framework of the regional organizations.

Japan said that the data need not necessarily be reported on a vessel-by-vessel basis but may be aggregated for reasons of confidentiality. India and Mexico agreed. He also suggested that paragraph 7, on the information that is available through other means, be deleted. Indonesia argued that it should be retained and reinforced so that it does not appear to be so permissive.

With regard to the graphic flows of data contained in paragraph 12, the flow from flag State to coastal State should be through the regional organization that will then, on request, forward the information to the coastal States that are party to the arrangement. Norway said that the flow should be through the coastal States' national fisheries administrations, as the increase in joint ventures makes collection difficult. The Chair said that the chart merely depicts the flow of data and is based on legal fishing. The flow of data to the coastal States in the absence of a regional organization still needs to be addressed.

India said that the requirements should be commensurate with the limited financial resources of developing States.

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