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The UN General Assembly's Second Committee considered the UN Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks from 19-21 October 1994. Delegates had before them a report of the third and fourth sessions of this Conference in document A/49/522. The Second Committee adopted four resolutions on fisheries issues. These covered: The UN Conference on Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks as contained in document A/C.2/49/L.5; Unauthorized Fishing in Zones of National Jurisdiction and its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas, as contained in document A/C.2/49/L.20; Large Scale Pelagic Drift-Net Fishing and its Impact on the Living Marine Resources of the World's Oceans and Seas, as contained in document A/C.2/49/L.24; Fisheries Bycatch and Discards and their Impact on the Sustainable Use of the World's Living Marine Resources, as contained in document A/C.2/49/L.50/Rev.1. These resolutions were formally adopted by the Plenary of the General Assembly at its 49th Session.