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ENB:07:54 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Draft Final Act of the Conference summarizes key events that took place during the three years of negotiations leading up to and including the adoption of the Agreement. Part I, the introduction, chronicles the establishment of the Conference as called for in Chapter 17, paragraph 49, of Agenda 21. Part II notes the location and dates of the Conference's six sessions. Part III provides a listing of Conference participants including States, organizational representatives, associate members of regional commissions, representatives of national liberation movements, specialized agencies, intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations. The Conference officers and the composition of Conference committees are given in Part IV.

Part V provides a synopsis of the work completed during the six Conference sessions and includes text of draft resolutions I and II, dealing with the early and effective implementation of the Agreement, and the reports on developments by the UN Secretary-General, respectively.