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ENB:09:47 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The final Plenary convened at midnight on Saturday, 22 June 1996. The Chair announced that the "Friends of the Chair" had reached consensus on outstanding issues regarding the GPA, its financing and implementation, and the Leipzig Declaration. He urged delegates to adopt all of the amendments as a single package. The main amendments related to four areas: benefit-sharing; Farmers' Rights; technology transfer; and financing. CHINA, supported by many other countries, endorsed the Chair's proposal to adopt the documents as a single package. He paid tribute to the Chair's leadership and thanked the Government of Germany for its hospitality, and the Secretariat and all those who worked behind the scenes for their hard work. He noted that since Rio in 1992, countries have marched a long path to reach this moment. He said that the GPA is our common property and that it will make a significant contribution to world food security.

Many delegates indicated that they were not entirely happy with the final documents, but realized that they are the result of intense negotiations and represent a "delicate balance" of interests. The Rapporteur, R. B. Singh (India), thanked the Chair for his brilliant leadership and noted that the documents had been adopted by acclamation. On behalf of the FAO Director-General, Dr. Sawadogo thanked all delegates and pointed out the cost of conserving PGR is high, but far less than the cost of allowing their degradation. The EU, supported by VENEZUELA, nominated the Chair to present the Report of ITCPGR- 4 to both the CBD COP-3 and the World Food Summit. The Conference came to a close at 3:00 am on Sunday morning, 23 June 1996.