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<C5,5,0,0,0,0>WORKSHOP ON INTERNATIONAL BIOSAFETY: This workshop, sponsored by Friends of the Earth Europe and the European Commission, is scheduled for 12-13 September 1996 in Brussels, Belgium. For more information contact Gill Lacroix or Dan Leskin, FOE Biotechnology Programme, 29 rue Blanche, B-1060 Brussels, Belgium; tel: +32-2-5420180; fax +32-2-5375596; e-mail:

<C5,5,0,0,0,0>UNEP BIOSAFETY WORKSHOP: A technical workshop on biosafety will be held prior to COP-3 of the CBD in Buenos Aires from 31 October to 1 November 1996. Contact Hamdallah Zedan, UNEP Biodiversity Unit, Nairobi, Kenya, fax +254-2 623 926, e-mail UNEP’s International Register on Biosafety, which was launched in Geneva on 8 July 1996, can be found at For more information, contact Michael Williams, UNEP(Geneva), tel: +41 22 979 9242/44, fax: +41 22 7973464, e-mail: