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At the conclusion of the intersessional informal consultations, the Secretariat was asked to prepare a new draft of the Programme of Action and the Declaration by 30 November 1994. The following is a summary of this integrated draft, as contained in document A/CONF.166/PC/L.22.

The draft declaration contains the following sections: the introduction; Current Social Situation and Reasons for Convening the Summit; Principles and Goals; and Commitments.

INTRODUCTION: The ten paragraph introduction acknowledges that the peoples of the world have shown an urgent need to address profound social problems, especially poverty, unemployment and social exclusion. Our societies must respond more effectively to the material and spiritual needs of individuals, their families and communities. Social development and social justice are crucial preconditions for the achievement and maintenance of peace and security. Furthermore, social development and economic development are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. This Declaration is a commitment to enhancing social development throughout the world so that all people have the rights, resources and responsibilities to lead satisfying lives and contribute to the well-being of their families, their communities and humankind. This Summit launches a new era of international cooperation between governments and peoples, based on a spirit of partnership that puts the needs and aspirations of people at the center of decision making.

PART I. A. CURRENT SOCIAL SITUATION AND REASONS FOR CONVENING THE SUMMIT: This section notes that the expansion of prosperity is being accompanied by an expansion of poverty. Globalization has also resulted in inequality and marginalization, both within and among countries. There has been progress in the following areas: wealth of nations has multiplied seven-fold; trade has grown dramatically; life expectancy, literacy and primary education has increased; infant mortality has decreased; and pluralistic and democratic institutions and civil liberties have expanded. Yet, there is growing distress with regard to: the gap between rich and poor people and countries; serious social problems; hunger and abject poverty; unemployment; and social disintegration and marginalization. The challenge is to establish a people-centered framework for social development to guide us now and in the future, in building a culture of cooperation and partnership and responding to the immediate needs of those who are most affected by human distress.

B. PRINCIPLES AND GOALS: This section lists the following principles and goals: (a) place people at the center of development and the economy at the service of human needs; (b) fulfill our responsibility for present and future generations; (c) recognize that social development is a national responsibility that is enhanced through international cooperation; (d) integrate economic and social policies; (e) recognize that sound broadly-based economic policies are a foundation for sustained social development; (f) promote democracy, human dignity, social justice and solidarity; (g) promote a more just distribution of income and access to resources; (h) recognize the family as the basic unit of society; (i) promote and protect universally recognized human rights; (j) support progress and security for people and communities; (k) underline the importance of good governance; and (l) recognize that empowering people to strengthen their own capacities is a main objective of development

PART II. COMMITMENTS: The nine commitments are as follows: (1) creating an enabling economic, political and legal environment conducive to social development, at all levels; (2) eradicating poverty in the world, through decisive national actions and international cooperation; (3) enabling all people to attain secure and sustainable livelihoods through freely chosen productive employment and work, and to maintain the goal of full employment; (4) promoting social integration and participation of all people by fostering societies that are stable, safe and just; (5) achieving full equity and equality between women and men and recognizing and enhancing the participation of women in social progress and development; (6) promoting the economic, social and human resource development of Africa and the least developed countries; (7) ensuring that structural adjustment programmes include the social development goals of eradicating poverty, generating productive employment and enhancing social integration; (8) increasing and utilizing more efficiently the resources assigned to social development to achieve the goals of the Summit through national action and international cooperation; and (9) strengthening the framework for cooperation for social development through the UN and other multilateral institutions.

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