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ENB:10:36 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


This section contains nine commitments and related actions. The G-77/China suggested a tenth commitment on education and culture. Delegates initially responded positively to the addition, but, upon reflection, France, on behalf of the EU, objected on procedural grounds to the implications of its addition. The issue was sent to Amb. Butler"s consultative group. Although delegates did not have time to incorporate the G- 77/China proposal, they agreed to consult further on its wording and placement. Both the EU and the G-77/China proposed text for this new commitment. The G-77/China text refers to education and culture, and incorporates a US reference to health care. The EU proposal focuses only on education. Delegates will address this issue in Copenhagen.

The Commitment section contains a single-paragraph introduction on the common pursuit of social development. This paragraph contains a bracketed reference to full respect for "territorial integrity."