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The First Session of the Preparatory Committee opened on 11 April, 1994 at UN Headquarters in Geneva. During the course of the Plenary, the delegates dealt with organizational matters, heard opening speeches by Secretary-General of the Conference Dr. Wally N'Dow, Elizabeth Dowdswell Executive-Director of UNEP and UNCHS(Habitat), and UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

The Vice-Chair, Pamela Mboya (Kenya) opened the session by welcoming all the States delegates as well as the representatives of UN Agencies, intergovernmental organizations and NGOs. She then called the attention of the delegates to the document A/CONF.165/PC.1/1/Add.2, the proposed organizational structure for the first session of the PrepCom. WEOG nominated Finland (Mr. Martti Lujanen) as candidate for PrepCom Chair, following the withdrawal of Canada (Mr. Robert Wenman), who had served as PrepCom Chair during the organizational session. Finland's candidature was endorsed by the other regional groups.