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ENB:11:26 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Delegates met from 1-2 June 1996 for pre-conference consultations, which were chaired by Huseyin Çelem, Permanent Representative of Turkey to the UN. Delegates agreed on a number of procedural recommendations for the Conference, including the rules of procedure, the agenda, and accreditation of international associations of local authorities and NGOs. Delegates recommended that Süleyman Demirel, President of Turkey, be elected President of the Conference and Emre Gönensay, Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs, be elected Vice-President ex-officio. Shafqat Kakakhel (Pakistan), was recommended to chair Committee I (Habitat Agenda), and Martti Lujanen (Finland) to chair Committee II (the role of partners). Ricardo Gorosito (Uruguay) was recommended as Rapporteur-General. Some delegates inquired about the procedure for reporting on Committee II and suggested adjustments to the timetable.