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ENB:11:28 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Working Group II, chaired by Glynn Khonje (Zambia), convened in the afternoon to begin negotiations on Sections E (international cooperation) and F (implementation and follow- up) of the Global Plan of Action (GPA). INDIA, on behalf of the G-77/CHINA, noted that these sections are at the heart of the GPA. The success of the Conference depends upon the agreements made on these paragraphs and G-77/CHINA agreement on other sections will be subject to their satisfactory resolution. The LOCAL AUTHORITIES stressed the importance of key local mechanisms that can be used to implement the GPA, such as Local Agenda 21s.

In 143 (international cooperation), the G-77/CHINA added “economic growth” before the reference to “development.” The EU stated it would accept “economic growth” without “development,” or a reference to economic development, social development and environmental protection, which are interdependent components of sustainable development (from the World Summit for Social Development). Delegates eventually agreed to retain only the original reference to “development.”

The US deleted the reference to making human settlements “more equitable” and added “non-discriminatory,” but the G-77/CHINA supported “equitable and non-discriminatory.”

The EU proposed deleting the reference to “specific action by the international community,” and called for action “at the national and international levels.” The G- 77/CHINA objected. Delegates accepted the CHAIR’s proposal to call for action “at the international level.”