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ENB:12:23 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Chair referred to Annex III/Decision 6 of COP 1, which mentions a workshop for NGO inputs. NEW ZEALAND, supported by the US, the EU, the NETHERLANDS, AUSTRALIA, CANADA, JAPAN and ARGENTINA, suggested that the workshop be held in conjunction with the subsidiary body and AGBM meetings in February, and recommended a report from the meeting. SAUDI ARABIA said that SBSTA should not engage in any details at this stage and cautioned against scheduling the workshop during the Ramadan period. SWITZERLAND added that the responsibility for organization should be given to the Secretariat and that the workshop should discuss a business consultative mechanism. Both Switzerland and the Netherlands offered financial support for the workshop. MALAYSIA, the PHILIPPINES, ARGENTINA and TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO said that widest possible NGO participation should be sought and requested that the Secretariat provide financial resources to ensure participation of developing country NGOs.