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ENB:12:27 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Chair summarized negotiations on election of AGBM officers other than Chair, which had not been conclusive. Four regional groups had agreed to a Bureau format including a Chair, two Vice-Chairs, and the two subsidiary body Chairs as ex- officio members. Appointing advisers to the Bureau is still under discussion. The Western European and Others Group (WEOG) and the Asian Group are to appoint Vice- Chairs. WEOG nominated Dan Reifsnyder (US), Asia nominated Thailand, and both nominations were accepted. The Chair also invited Maciej Sadowski (Poland), China, Jorge Berguño (Chile), Bert Metz (Netherlands), Bakary Kante (Senegal), and Evans King (Trinidad and Tobago) to be interim advisers. CHINA said the Asian Group had selected Thailand and Saudi Arabia to provide its representatives, so he could not accept the invitation. Mohamed Salem Sorour Al Sabban (Saudi Arabia) was selected as an adviser.

Japan reminded delegates that it has expressed interest in hosting the third or subsequent COP.