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ENB:12:35 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


SBI met to consider a number of draft decisions negotiated in closed contact groups. The draft decision on Agenda Item 3(b) (non-Annex I communications) addresses assistance to developing country Parties in preparing initial communications, and in its Annex lists guidelines for the preparation of these reports. The draft decision was adopted. The draft decision on Agenda Item 5 (technology transfer) addresses transfer of environmentally- sound technology (EST) and calls for measures such as reports, workshops and a roster of experts to expedite this. The draft decision was adopted.

The session then adopted a draft decision on Agenda Item 6 (activities implemented jointly), which is also on the agenda of SBSTA and had been negotiated by that body. The WORLD BUSINESS COUNCIL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT underscored the role of the private sector in AIJ for the transfer of ESTs. The draft decison on Agenda Item 4(a)(i) (guidance to the GEF) emphasizes provision of agreed full costs by the GEF for preparation of national communications by non-Annex I Parties. The draft decision was adopted. The PHILIPPINES emphasized the paragraph calling on non-Annex I Parties to follow guidelines and format adopted by COP-2. The US supported this and highlighted other guidelines for the GEF as well.

The draft decision on Agenda Item 4(a)(ii) (Annex to the MOU between COP and GEF) had not been agreed to prior to the meeting. The Chair referred the matter to the Bureau. INDIA highlighted a paper by the G-77/CHINA which sets out concerns on the Annex. SBI also adopted draft decisions on Agenda Item 4(b) (Secretariat activities relating to technical and financial support to Parties) and Item 7(a) (establishment of the permanent secretariat).

Delegates also considered a recommendation on the volume of documentation. On Agenda Item 3(a) (Annex I national communications), the Chair of the contact group presented the draft conclusions of SBI-3 and a draft decision to be submitted by the Chair. KUWAIT, OMAN and SAUDI ARABIA requested more time for consideration. The Chair reminded delegates that there had been many consultations on this item and the conclusions and decision were adopted. SBI also accepted the draft decision on its programme of work. On Agenda Item 5 (a) (implementation of Article 4), delegates recommended that COP refer review until COP-3. Delegates also accepted the draft report of SBI-3 (FCCC/SBI/1996/L.3).

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