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1. Commission on the Status of Women: The G-77/China proposed a reformulation of paragraph 207 (CSW"s role in implementation) which deleted references to the CSW as the inter-governmental focal point for implementation and to its mandate. The G-77/China also proposed paragraph 207(bis), referring to financial and staff support for the CSW and the GA, and paragraph 207(ter), referring to the CSW"s role in implementation within the UN system.

In paragraph 208 (review of the CSW"s mandate), the EU proposed giving consideration to the CSW"s review of gender dimensions of all issues and ensuring a system-wide approach to implementation and that ECOSOC and the GA should review the Commission"s mandate. The G-77/China and the EU agreed to delete paragraph 209 (implementation plans at the CSW"s 40th session). In paragraph 210 (CSW programme for 1996-2000), the EU deleted the recommendation for a review of the programmes of all the main UN bodies dealing with the Platform. The G-77/China deleted references to specific subsidiary UN bodies. Canada added a reference to "gender analysis."

2. Division for the Advancement of Women: In paragraph 211 (function of the Division for the Advancement of Women), the G-77/China, the EU and Canada offered similar proposals replacing references to CSW resolution 37/9 with references to General Assembly resolution 49/161 and requesting the Secretary-General to provide the Division with sufficient human and financial support. Norway added a reference to the Division"s role in follow-up and the EU added a reference to monitoring implementation.

In paragraph 212 (action by the Division for the Advancement of Women), the G- 77/China added a reference to gender analyses of the problems in the advancement of women and suggested that the Commission prepare the plan for advancement of women. The EU deleted references to ECOSOC, the GA and gender focal points within the UN system. She also proposed that the CSW "play a coordinating role" rather than "take the lead" in preparing the revision of the plan. Norway preferred an "important" role for the CSW.

3. International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women: The EU, with support and input from Canada, proposed deleting paragraphs 213 (the review of INSTRAW"s work to implement Platform) and 214 (UNIFEM"s role in implementing the Platform), and added a 214(bis), suggesting that the future roles of INSTRAW and UNIFEM be considered in light of the GA"s decision on the proposal to merge the two organizations. The G-77/China preferred amending paragraph 213, suggesting that INSTRAW identify priority research methodologies and strengthen national capacity to carry out gender research, and develop research networks. Delegates added further areas of research, including women"s studies (Slovakia), human rights (Holy See) and education (Turkey).

4. United Nations Development Fund for Women: In paragraph 214, the G-77/China proposed that UNIFEM, with UNDP, provide technical and financial capacity to incorporate the women"s dimension at all levels. Mali, Venezuela and Mexico objected to deleting the paragraph.

5. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women: In paragraph 215 (CEDAW review of implementation), the G-77/China reformulated the first sentence to recommend that CEDAW take the Platform into account when considering reports submitted by the States parties. Israel preferred monitoring by States parties, but Algeria objected. The EU proposed deleting the recommendation that CEDAW give priority to certain articles and added, with Canada, paragraph 215(bis), calling on other treaty bodies and mechanisms of the Commission on Human Rights to take account of Platform implementation and to ensure the equal status and human rights of women. The G-77/China reserved.

In paragraph 216 (coordination with other human rights treaty bodies), the G-77/China added references to strengthening the Committee through human and financial resources.

6. General Assembly: In paragraph 217 (GA), the EU proposed deleting references to the cross-sectoral nature of women"s issues, the follow-up at the 50th GA session and resolution 49/161. She added references to the fact that the GA is the highest inter-governmental mechanism and the principal organ in follow-up. The G- 77/China supported the EU amendment. Japan proposed that the GA include follow-up as part of its continued work on the implementation of the Nairobi Strategies. Canada added a reference to integrating gender concerns throughout GA work.

7. Economic and Social Council: In paragraph 218 (role of ECOSOC), the EU added two sentences, referring to ECOSOC"s role in overseeing system-wide coordination of implementation and review of the CSW"s mandate. The G-77/China preferred paragraphs 218-221 as drafted. Australia added a reference to the Council as a coordinating body.

In paragraph 220 (ECOSOC coordination of gender-related activities), the EU proposed that the Council "consider dedicating" at least one operational segment to gender activities. The G-77/China preferred the original text. In paragraph 221 (monitoring by the Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC)), the EU called on the ACC to consider how the participating entities might coordinate their activities to implement the Platform. In paragraph 221, the EU added paragraph 221 (bis), calling for existing and new linkages to be developed throughout the UN Secretariat to ensure that the gender perspective is introduced in all activities.

8. Other units of the UN Secretariat: In paragraph 222 (implementation by the UN Secretariat), Norway called on the Secretariat to "contribute to the coordinated implementation" of the Platform rather than "implement" the Platform. In paragraph 223 (recruitment by the Office of Human Resources Management), the G-77/China agreed with the EU proposal to delete the target of 50% women in posts and to add references to the 1995-2000 strategic plan of action for the improvement of the status of women and GA resolutions 45/125 and 45/239C. Japan and Australia made further reference to relevant GA resolutions. In paragraph 224 (expansion of the Department of Public Information), the G-77/China objected to an EU proposal that expansion take place "within existing resources." The G-77/China, supported by the US, suggested additional programmes for the girl-child. Algeria warned against limiting the DPI"s resources. The EU proposed deleting paragraph 225 (Statistical Division of the DESIPA role), but the G-77/China objected.

9. Specialized agencies and other organizations of the UN system: In paragraph 226 (action-plans of UN organizations), Norway proposed strengthening agency roles in supporting national action and enhancing their contributions to coordinated follow-up by the UN. The G-77/China objected to an EU proposal to remove the reference to "time-bound" targets. The EU inserted clear delineation of responsibility "and accountability." Australia called for each organization to develop a plan, setting out specific actions, including goals and targets.

In paragraph 227 (enhance role of focal points on women"s issues), the EU proposed that each organization "commit itself at the highest level" and take steps to enhance "and support" focal points. The EU added paragraph 227(bis) calling for increased cooperation among specialized agencies. In paragraph 228 (organizational recruitment of professional women), the EU called for greater priority to women"s recruitment. The G-77/China supported the EU amendment, adding "subject to geographical distribution." Japan inserted "in order to achieve the" GA goals, because the resolutions apply only to the UN Secretariat.

The US proposed a paragraph 228(bis), noting that coordination at the country-level should be improved through the resident-coordinator system. Japan added a reference noting that the system applies only to developing countries.

10. Other international institutions: In paragraph 229 (international NGOs), Japan proposed that NGOs "be invited to prepare" implementation plans rather than have them "consider presenting" such plans. Norway suggested deleting the reference. In paragraph 230 (international financial institutions), the EU proposed "encouraging" the institutions to revise their policies and to "consider" increasing their ratios of women in high-level positions. The G-77/China called for the institutions to review their policies "with a view to providing new and additional resources."

In paragraph 231 (support from UN system and others), the G-77/China called for new and additional financial resources, to which the EU reserved. The EU added a 231(bis), noting the Secretary-General"s responsibility for coordinating action on the Platform and for mainstreaming a gender perspective into all UN activities.

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