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ENB:14:04 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Ms. Licuanan reported that the working group on NGO accreditation had informed the Bureau that members had reached an impasse and were forming a sub-group to decide on extending accreditation procedures. A decision is possible Friday. Ms. Licuanan also noted the progress on the draft Platform for Action. Delegates have discussed or submitted written amendments on all chapters, except Chapter VI (Financial Arrangements). Two informal-informal groups are examining the texts, and have completed work on Chapters I (Mission Statement) and III (Critical Areas of Concern). She noted that, in Chapter IV (Strategic Objectives and Actions), work on Sections A (The persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women), B (Unequal access to and inadequate educational opportunities) and D (Violence against women) has been completed. Work on Section C (Inequalities in health status and unequal access to and inadequate health care services) has been postponed and work on Section F (Inequality in women"s access to and participation in the definition of economic structures and policies and the productive process itself) was commencing. The Chair dismissed "rumors about a possible extension" or an extra session as "totally false." She noted that resources would not be available for work after Tuesday.

Pakistan inquired about NGO access to the informal-informals. The Chair replied that the process had been kept as open as possible. Work was being conducted under constraints, however, and even some delegates had not been able to attend the informal-informals. The US inquired about the deadline for tabling a draft resolution on NGO accreditation.

Ms. Licuanan turned the Chair over to Ms. Natallya Drozd (Belarus), who presided over the introduction of two draft resolutions under Agenda Item 5 (Monitoring the Implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies). Peru introduced draft resolution E/CN.6/1995/L.16, "Integration of displaced women into developmental processes." Namibia introduced draft resolution E/CN.6/1995/L.18, "Women working in agriculture and rural development." Amendments were made for both resolutions.

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