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The informal-informal groups" consideration of Chapter III (Critical Areas of Concern) and Sections A (The persistent and increasing burden of poverty on women) and B (Unequal access to and inadequate educational opportunities) of Chapter V (Strategic Objectives and Actions) has been completed and the results have been released. The following are summaries of bracketed text.


In paragraph 34 (advancement of women and achievement of equality), a reference to the "innate dignity and the fundamental" equality between women and men is bracketed, as are references to "human rights" and "equity." In paragraph 35 (Nairobi Strategies) specific references to impediments to realization of the strategic goals, with the exception of "ingrained prejudicial attitudes," have been bracketed. In paragraph 37 (call for strategic action), a reference to the need for "full respect for religious and ethical values, cultural backgrounds and philosophical convictions in conformity with all human rights and fundamental freedoms" is bracketed. A number of additions to the critical areas for action are bracketed: violence and the girl child; women living under foreign occupation or alien domination; and "universal" human rights.


SECTION A. The persistent and increasing burden on women: The introductory paragraph (39) contains a bracketed reference to unemployment and underemployment. Paragraph 40 (the feminization of poverty) contains a bracketed reference to cultural and social factors for family instability. Paragraph 44 (increase women"s productive capacity), contains a bracketed reference to "sustained economic growth and sustainable development."

A.1. Review, adopt and maintain macroeconomic policies and development strategies that address the needs and efforts of women to overcome poverty within the framework of sustainable development: In Paragraph 46 (actions by Governments), brackets remain around references to: "in the context of people- centered sustainable development;" the easing of migration policies; and developing policies for indigenous women. In paragraph 47 (action by international financial and development institutions), references to increased resources, debt cancellation and the creation of an enabling environment are bracketed. Paragraph 47(bis) (actions by NGOs) is entirely new and bracketed. NGOs are called on to: mobilize to improve the effectiveness of anti-poverty programmes; organize pressure groups; develop a comprehensive national strategy for improving social services; and mobilize to protect women"s traditional land and property rights.

A.2. Revise laws and administrative practices to recognize women"s rights to economic resources and to ensure women"s access to economic resources: Additions to paragraph 48 (action by Governments) are bracketed: enact laws to prevent rural and indigenous community resources from passing to the private sector; urge ratification of ILO Convention 169; and urge adoption by ECOSOC and the GA of the draft International Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People.

A.3. Provide women with access to savings mechanisms and institutions and to credit: Paragraph 53 (action by international organizations) contains the bracketed options to "increase" or "provide adequate" funding for entrepreneurial activities.

A.4. Conduct research in order to enable women to overcome poverty: The only brackets in this section are on the call to [seek to] apply methodologies for incorporating gender perspectives on all policies.

SECTION B. Unequal access to and inadequate educational opportunities: In paragraph 56 (education as a tool), references to education"s contribution to the achievement of [sustained economic growth], and [sustainable development]...[centered on the human person] are bracketed. In paragraph 58 (discrimination in girls" access to education), references to "early marriages" and to "sexual harassment" are bracketed. Paragraph 59 (gender biased curricula), references to the impact of "the lack of sexual and reproductive education" on women and men and to the "rights, duties and responsibilities of parents and other persons" are bracketed.

B.1. Ensure equal access to education: In paragraph 63 (action by Governments), brackets remain around references to freedom of conscience and religion, repeal of discriminatory laws and prioritizing women"s educational provision.

B.2. Eradicate illiteracy among women worldwide: In paragraph 64 (actions by Governments, national, regional and international bodies), the target year 2000 is bracketed.

B.4. Develop non-discriminatory education and training: In paragraph 66 (actions by Governments and educational and academic institutions), a sub-paragraph calling for awareness about the status, role and respective contributions of women and men in the family and society is bracketed. Most of a sub-paragraph that calls for the removal of legal and regulatory barriers to sexual and reproductive health is bracketed. Also bracketed are sub-paragraphs regarding: integrated education and awareness services related to "youth sexuality;" appropriate education for indigenous women; pluricultural education for countries with indigenous people; respect for cultural and religious diversity in educational institutions; and the removal of barriers to schooling of pregnant girls and young mothers.

B.5. Allocate sufficient resources for educational reforms and monitor implementation: In paragraph 70 (action by international and intergovernmental organizations), sub-paragraphs calling for monitoring the closure of the gap between women and men in education and for the allocation of a minimum percentage of assistance to women and girls" education are bracketed.

B.5 (bis) [To promote life-long learning [educational processes] for girls and women]: The title contains the only brackets in this section.

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