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ENB:14:06 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


During the morning, two informal-informal groups met to discuss Sections H (Insufficient mechanisms at all levels to promote the advancement of women) and J (Insufficient mobilization of the mass media to promote women's positive contributions to society) of Chapter IV (Strategic Objectives and Actions).

In Section H, paragraph 140 (national machineries), delegates added references to implementation and mobilization of support. In paragraph 140 (bis) (regional and international levels), a reference to cultural development was added. Paragraph 141(bis) (regional bodies) was bracketed. The first three sentences of paragraph 141(ter) (definition of national machinery) were reformulated, deleting references to: decentralized services; national administration; influencing and monitoring policy-making; the executive; and the responsibility of other actors. A reference to the advancement of women was added. In the first bullet of 141(ter), references to government "structure" and "falling under the responsibility of a Cabinet Minister" were bracketed. A new bullet referring to decentralized planning, implementation and monitoring from the grassroots up, with links to NGOs and community organizations, was introduced.

In Section J, delegates considered two additional strategic objectives regarding equal access of women to new technologies of communication and global networks and women's rights to communication. Delegates agreed that elements from the additional text could be incorporated into earlier paragraphs, and a contact group was assigned the drafting task.