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ENB:14:08 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


After morning and afternoon sessions, the informal-informal group discussing the human rights section had completed the first reading. However, several paragraphs were bracketed pending the outcomes of other informals or negotiations between smaller groups.

Sub-paragraph 158(b) (mainstreaming human rights throughout the UN system) was bracketed. In sub-paragraph 158(c) (coordination of human rights bodies and mechanisms), a reference to unnecessary duplication was bracketed. Sub-paragraph 158(c.bis) (coordination between UN bodies) was bracketed. In sub-paragraph 158(d.bis) (human rights training for UN personnel), a reference to humanitarian relief activities was added and "human rights abuses particular to women" was replaced with "violations of the human rights of women."

In sub-paragraph 159(a) (prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex), a reference to appropriate legislation was added. Sub-paragraphs 159(c) (review domestic legislation), (c.bis) (sexual and reproductive rights) and (c.ter) (sexual orientation) were bracketed. A new sub-paragraph (c.quater) (violence resulting from harmful practices, prejudice and extremism) was also bracketed.

In sub-paragraph 159(d) (gender sensitive human rights training for public officials), a reference to members of parliament was added. Sub-paragraph 159(d.bis) (right of women to be members in professional and social organizations) was bracketed. In the second sub-paragraph (d.bis) (violations by public officials), a reference to "punitive legal measures in accordance with national law" was added. In sub-paragraph 159(d.bis.bis), references to the criminal justice system and the right of women to be judges, advocates or other officers of the court were deleted. The reference to the "right to privacy" for women defendants, victims and/or witnesses was replaced with a statement that they should not be "re-victimized or discriminated against." Sub- paragraph 159(f.bis) (human rights protection for NGO members) was bracketed.

The chapeau to paragraph 160 was bracketed. In paragraph 160(a) (translate and publicize laws and information on human rights), a reference to persons with low levels of literacy was added, as were references to relevant international declarations and conventions. A new paragraph, referring to publication of information in easily understandable formats, was added after 160(a). In sub-paragraph 160(a.bis) (information about international and regional instruments), a reference to international complaint procedures was deleted and a reference to effectively protecting human rights was added. A new paragraph, referring to mechanisms for redress at all levels, was added after 160(a.bis).

In 160(b) (public campaigns), references to women"s legal rights and all levels of education were added. Sub-paragraph 160(b.bis) (human rights education for armed forces) was introduced and bracketed. In paragraph 160 (new.c) (information on human rights and recourse mechanisms for migrant, refugee and displaced women), a reference to the fact that they were removed from sources of information available in their home communities was deleted.

In the afternoon, texts on references to indigenous people, which were to be used throughout the document, was introduced. The meeting broke for consultations, and reconvened for an evening session, to review the human rights section, to read through the rules of procedure and to consider the language on indigenous people.

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