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ENB:14:08 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


Discussions on the new section regarding the girl child began Tuesday evening. During Wednesday morning and afternoon, three of the nine strategic objectives were considered. The group expected to finish the section and work into the night on the draft Declaration.

In Strategic objective E.1 (eliminate all forms of discrimination against the girl child), Governments are called on to, consistent with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, take measures to ensure that children will be registered immediately after birth, have the right from birth to a name, to acquire nationality and, as far as possible, to know and be cared for by his or her parents. Delegates added a sub-paragraph from the Cairo agreement calling for support from parents. References to passing "as appropriate and enforce" legislation to guarantee "equally" succession and inheritance rights were bracketed. Sub-paragraph (d) was altered to include calls for comprehensive policies, plans of action and programmes for the survival, advancement, protection and development of the girl child, and the promotion and protection of the enjoyment of her rights. Sub-paragraph (f) (eliminate female feticide) was moved to Strategic objective E.2 (eliminate negative cultural attitudes and practices), and reformulated with Cairo language to call for the elimination of the root causes of son-preference, which result in female infanticide and prenatal sex selection.

In Strategic objective E.2 (elimination of negative cultural attitudes and practices against girls), Governments are called on to sensitize and inform adults about the "harmful effects of certain traditional or customary practices." The sub-paragraph calling for traditional and religious attire of girls to not be the basis of discrimination in educational institutions was bracketed. Governments, international and non- governmental organizations are called on to encourage educational institutions and the media to project a "balanced and non-stereotyped" image of girls and boys, and to work to eliminate pornography and degrading and violent portrayals of the girl child.

In Strategic objective E.3 (public awareness on the needs of the girl child), Governments, international and non-governmental organizations are called on to generate awareness on the disadvantaged situation of girls among actors "at all levels" as well as in communities and households. A reference to educating the girl child about the "privileges" guaranteed to her was deleted.

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