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The regional group meetings were organized by the UN Economic Commissions. The High-level Regional Preparatory Meeting of the ECE was held in Vienna from 17-21 October 1994. The Sixth Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean met in Mar del Plata, Argentina from 20-25 September 1994, where the region's Platform for Action was discussed. The Platform was finalized at a 16-18 November meeting in Chile. The Second Asian and Pacific Ministerial Conference on Women in Development was held at Jakarta, Indonesia from 7-14 June 1994. The Fifth African Regional Conference on Women was held at Dakar, Senegal from 16-23 November 1994. The Arab Regional Preparatory Meeting was held at Amman, Jordan from 9-10 November 1994. Each meeting adopted a regional platform, which identified specific problems faced by women in that region.