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ENB:14:15 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


The Contact Group chaired by Olga Pellicer (Mexico) resumed consideration of the draft Beijing Declaration during an afternoon session. Delegates negotiated much of the Preamble and reaffirmed commitments sections of a revised G77/China draft, which incorporates some amendments from US, EU and other proposals.

The first two preambular paragraphs were accepted. Delegates added a paragraph on equality, development and peace. They also added a paragraph on women's voices and diversity with the first word [Recognizing] in brackets. A paragraph regarding women's status and obstacles was accepted. Language regarding the unfavorable international economic environment was bracketed in a paragraph regarding poverty. In a paragraph regarding women's status, women's empowerment was added to advancement.

In a reaffirmed commitment of rights and principles in conventions, delegates debated which legal instruments should be included, in which order, and whether "human dignity" should be deleted. A paragraph regarding past conferences was accepted. The question of inserting language on promotion of rights and freedoms and full implementation of inalienable rights was sent to an informal group. A paragraph regarding implementation of the Nairobi Strategies was accepted. Delegates sent a paragraph on spiritual and moral values, sustainable development, and women's special role to the informal group after some delegations suggested deletion.