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27th UN-Water Meeting

25-26 August 2017 | Stockholm, Sweden

Highlights for Saturday, 26 August 2017

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Daily Web HighlightsAbout | 25 Aug | 26 Aug

William Reidhead, UN-Water Global Monitoring Officer, presented work on integrating monitoring and reporting of SDG 6

UN-Water On Saturday, 26 August 2017, the 27th UN-Water meeting agenda included sessions on the 2030 Agenda, related intergovernmental processes, and monitoring progress related to SDG 6 during the morning. In addition, a panel discussion addressed the “Coordination of SDG 6 implementation – Where do we stand? How can we do better?” Participants highlighted that the July 2018 meeting of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) will focus on SDG 6, and noted that UN-Water’s preparation of the SDG 6 Synthesis Report provides an opportunity to provide decision makers with a big picture of the status of water and sanitation issues and to offer policy recommendations on how to accelerate SDG 6 implementation in the overall 2030 Agenda context.

During the afternoon, participants discuss planning for World Water Days, World Water Development Reports and World Toilet Days. Participants heard about two upcoming events related to the UN-Water mandate: a High-level roundtable for droughts held in the framework of the 13th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification, and the 8th World Water Forum. During a final session, UN-Water members finalized the decisions for the meeting. The meeting closed at 5:00 pm.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, provided daily web updates from the 27th UN-Water Meeting. In addition, IISD Reporting Services has published a summary report of the meeting in HTML and PDF format.

Panel discussion on "Coordination of SDG 6 Implementation: Where do we stand? How can we do better?" (L-R) Claire Lyons,; Mats Aberg, SIDA; Francesca Bernardini, UNECE; Jason Morrison, Head, UN Global Compact CEO Water Mandate; Balazs Heincz, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Hungary; and Joakim Harlin, UN-Water Vice-Chair
Tom Soo, Executive Director, World Water Council, briefs UN-Water Members and Partners on preparations for 8th World Water Forum
(L-R) Federico Properzi, UN-Water; Joakim Harlin, UN-Water Vice-Chair; Guy Ryder, UN-Water Chair; and Federica Pietracci, UN-Water Secretary
Daily Web HighlightsAbout | 25 Aug | 26 Aug

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