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World Summit for Social Development
PrepCom for Copenhagen +5
New York, 3-14 April 2000

Highlights from Thursday, 6 April

In the morning, Working Group I discussed Commitment 1, on an enabling environment for social development. Working Group III met in the morning and afternoon to deliberate the draft political declaration. In the afternoon, Working Group II finished an initial read of Commitment 3, on employment.
In The Corridors: With Working Group III Chair Bagher Asadi on his way out of town, Working Group III labored to clean the last brackets from the draft political declaration, embracing "constructive ambiguity" as the key to final text. Potential storms remain, however, on references to governance, labor rights, institutional reform and economic benefit-sharing. NGOs expressed dissatisfaction with the declaration, saying that delegates have agreed on weak language that falls short of Copenhagen's spirit of hope and cooperation. Reminding delegates that the review is not a "tea party," they plan to heat up the pot behind the scenes. NGOs from one large group of countries say it's time to stop lamenting the state of world affairs. They are ready to support delegates' efforts to fight for stronger language.

Click here for coverage of side event on Community Based Health Insurance Schemes

Click here for the overall review and appraisal of the outcome of the WSSD: draft agreed conclusions of the CSD (E/CN.5/2000/L.8)
Click here for the compilation of the summaries and proposals for further action provided by the UN system

On Commitment 1, the G-77/China the G-77/China proposed text on enhancing development cooperation to, inter alia, augment the productive potential of people in developing countries and ensure capacity building of their private sectors to competitively participate in the global marketplace.

Nigeria spoke on behalf of the G-77/China,

On Commitment 3, on the private sector's role in monitoring implementation of workers' rights, delegates agreed to G-77/China text to encourage, as appropriate, private sector promotion of workers' rights specified in relevant ILO instruments. The G-77/China opposed text on private sector implementation and monitoring of workers' rights in cooperation with governments.

Working Group 1 Chair Maquieira peruses new amendments on the overhead projector

On Commitment 1, Japan (left) and the US opposed G-77/China-proposed language on ensuring developing country participation and transparency and on accountability in the decision-making of international financial institutions through their democratization.
On Commitment 1, Norway suggested language on mobilizing financing for HIPC debt relief to benefit poverty alleviation.

Delegates in Working Group III reviewing revised text on the draft political declaration

Community Based Health Insurance Schemes in Africa-An example of cooperation between government and civil society for social development
This side event was sponsored by the Ugandan and German governments and the German NGO Forum.

Moderator Jürgen Reichel, Protestant Association for Cooperation in Development (EZE), Christoph Benn, German Institute for Medical Mission (DIFÄM), and Jörg Freiberg-Strauß, German Agency for Technical Assistance (GTZ)

Joy Batusa, Uganda Health Cooperative, discussed the Ugandan experience of building a community-based, member-owned health plan. She said the goal was to establish a sustainable prepaid health care delivery system based on Cooperatives and that the programme began by working with the rural dairy cooperatives to decide which health services to offer. And how does such a scheme work? Cooperative/Organized Group identifies a leader to collect premiums and provide record keeping; sensitization of programme is provided by the group; Community Health Plan Committee established; local provider linkage established; and local bank linkage established. She noted: prepayment services have been provided to more than 30,000 individuals, health care services have improved; establishment of a new medical center; and improved access for care. For more information e-mail: or visit:

Christoph Benn gave a presentation on Community Based Health Insurance based on solidarity, resource pooling and risk sharing. He outlined government's role and the role of NGOs. He noted current problems such as the tendency to attract disproportionately sick people and the risk that existing insurance coverage leads to an overuse of services. He also addressed issues of cost recovery and equity. He stressed that community participation. He said the insurance schemes provide a greater sense of community participation, ownership and responsibility.
Jörg Freiberg-Strauß discussed Social Security for the poor and provided a background and examples from other countries

Linkages Coverage of the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen
A summary of the major issues
Agenda for the Second Session of the PrepCom

Secretariat web site with official documents and information for NGO participants
Secretary-general's Report on the Implementation of the Outcome of the WSSD
Summary of the WSSD agreements
Information on the WSSD+5 Special Session
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