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International Conference on Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Management (CICI)

3-7 February 2003, Guatemala City, Guatemala


IISD's SUMMARY REPORT  is available online in HTML ball.gif (204 bytes) TEXT ball.gif (204 bytes) PDF

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Highlights from Friday, 7 February 2003

On Friday, 7 February, CICI-2003 participants met in Plenary throughout the day to review the draft final report containing conclusions and recommendations from the four working groups. Participants successfully finished their work at 5:50pm. The conference concluded with closing statements by Forest Service of Guatemala (INAB) Executive Director Luis Ernesto Barrera Garavito and by Froylan Castañeda, FAO. CICI-2003 participants celebrated the conclusion of the conference at an evening reception.


Closing Plenary:

On Friday morning, CICI-2003 Vice President Luis Alberto Castaneda (Guatemala) introduced the draft final report of CICI-2003, containing  the 29 conclusions and 24 recommendations formulated by the four working groups, compiled into one list. On the many applications of C&I, delegates agreed to include reference to certification.


Considering a conclusion on development assistance to the forest sector, participants debated language stressing that the donor community is guided by priorities set by national governments. Some participants suggested re-phrasing the sentence, while the US, supported by others, stressed the need to retain that conclusion.

A participant from Iran proposed adding a new paragraph to highlight the importance of small- and low-forest cover countries (LFCCs) for the global and national significance to biodiversity and the need to consider their needs and requirements at the international and regional fora.

Regarding C&I as a framework for certification schemes and role of certification in developing C&I, a participant from Finland suggested a text stating that "certification can also serve in some cases as a tool supporting development of C&I".

To close CICI-2003, Luis Ernesto Barrera Garavito, INAB Executive Director, commended participants for their positive spirit and their commitment, and on behalf of the Government of Guatemala, thanked the institutions and agencies that provided support for the conference. He urged all countries to implement the conclusions and recommendations of the conference. CICI-2003 officially closed at 6:02 pm.  

SD CICI Snapshots: 

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