Summary Report

Global Renewable Energy Forum in Brazil
18 May- 21 May 2008 | Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil

Highlights for Wednesday, 21 May 2008


Participants and organizers at the closing session of the Forum, which ended at 11h58 on Wednesday.
Daily Web Coverage
Sunday, 18 May - Monday, 19 May - Tuesday, 20 May -Wednesday, 21 May

Closing Session
Jorge Miguel Samek noted the importance of increasing energy production in a sustainable manner.
Kandeh Yumkella, Director-General of UNIDO, highlighted future collaboration with Brazil. He underscored that the regional approach is critical, and announced the next Forum will probably be hosted by Mexico.
Ubirajara Meira, Eletrobras, emphasized the need to reduce the use of fossil fuels and to deeply change the behavior of the societies, especially in the developed world.
The forum was closed at 11h58.

Jorge Miguel Samek, Brazilian General Director of Itaipu Binacional, noted the importance of increasing energy production in a sustainable manner.
Kandeh Yumkella, Director-General of UNIDO, announced the next Forum will probably be hosted by Mexico.
Ubirajara Meira, Eletrobras, Brazil, highlighted the need to deeply change the behaviour of society

Kandeh Yumkella, Director-General of UNIDO, Jorge Miguel Samek, Brazilian General Director of Itaipu Binacional and Ubirajara Meira, Eletrobras



Pradeep Monga, UNIDO, Miquel Muñoz, IISD Reporting Services, and Kandeh Yumkella, Director-General of UNIDO

Round Table 7: “Financial Scenario for the Renewable Energy”

Luis Enrique Berrizbeitia, Vice-President of the Andean Development Corporation (CAF), described the evolution and development of renewable energy in Latin America and noted types of financing mechanisms for renewables, including government programmes, private capitals, and the clean development mechanism (CDM). Michel Bachelier, CEO of Trellis Capital Ltd., underscored the emergence of dedicated financial players in the renewable industry, and identified financing issues, including foreign exchange risk, sensitivity to interest rates and political risk. Steve Dore, Chief Executive Officer of International Innovation Services Limited, United Kingdom, underscored renewable energy as a platform for economic growth, explaining the case of Shellafield, in the UK. Debashish Majumdar, Chairman of the Indian Renewable Energy. Development Agency Limited (IREDA), underscored the importance of long-term and stable policies to promote renewable energies, stressing feed-in tariffs, and emphasized that renewable energy provides a hedge against future changes in energy prices.


Mauricio Garrón, Andean Development Corporation (CAF), noted types of financing mechanisms for renewables.

Michel Bachelier, Chairman and CEO of Trellis Capital Ltd, underscored the emergence of dedicated financial players in the renewables industry.

Debashish Majumdar, Chairman and Managing Director of the Indian Renewable Energy. Development Agency Limited (IREDA), presented on India's energy scenario.

Steve Dore, Chief Executive Officer of International Innovation Services Limited, United Kingdom, stated that in order to promote development local involvement is needed.





Related Links
-Conference Website
-Conference Website (UNIDO)
-Background document

-Brazilian Ministry of Mines and Energy

-International Conference on Renewable Energies in Africa - Making renewable energy markets work for Africa: policies, industries and finance for scaling up
-IISD RS coverage of the Washington International Renewable Energy Conference 2008, WIREC 2008 Ministerial Meeting - Washington, DC, United States of America, 4-6 March 2008 - (English: HTML - PDF)
-IISD RS coverage of the Seventh Meeting of the Global Forum on Sustainable Energy (GFSE-7) “Energy Efficiency for Developing Countries”, 21-23 November 2007, Vienna, Austria - (English: HTML - PDF)
-Energy Security in the Latin American Region: Renewable Energy as a Viable Alternative"
-IISD RS coverage of the Renewables 2004 - International Conference for Renewable Energies, 1-4 June 2004, Bonn, Germany - (English: HTML- PDF)
-IISD RS climate change and energy page
-Energy-l - A mailing list for news on biodiversity and wildlife policy

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