Daily report for 26 January 1995

3rd Session of the 1995 WSSD Preparatory Committee


The Working Group considered Commitment 6 (development of Africa and the leastdeveloped countries) during the morning session and reconvened in the evening toconsider the updated texts of the draft Declaration and Chapter V (Implementation andFollow-up). Amb. Butler noted that his Group did not have time to incorporate the G-77/China"s proposed commitment into the Group"s report. Delegates agreed to consultfurther on the wording and placement. At the end of the evening, Somava noted that95% of the Declaration had been finalized and that he would continue consultations onthe outstanding issues.


INTRODUCTION: References to "countries with economies in transition"remain bracketed in paragraph 15 (people vulnerable to stress) and24 (narrow gap between developed and other countries). In 8(enhance social development), the reference to living "in harmony with theenvironment" remains bracketed. Canada noted that this represented consensus Riolanguage, but India expressed concern that it imposed undue obligations. In 9(international conferences), the G-77/China proposed reference to the SIDSConference, but the EU objected. Other delegations supported the reference, statingthat it would be unacceptable to omit SIDS, a UN conference, and the EU agreed.

A. CURRENT SOCIAL SITUATION AND REASONS FOR CONVENINGTHE SUMMIT: In paragraph 18 (reduction of social distress),brackets remain around the call to address the impact from arms production and trade"whenever/wherever it occurs."

B. PRINCIPLES AND GOALS: In sub-paragraph 23(g) (incomedistribution), the reference to promoting "more" equitable distribution remainsbracketed by the G-77/China. The US noted that "more equitable" is Rio language.23(k) (right to self-determination of occupied peoples) remains in brackets.In 25 (common pursuit of social development), the reference to respect for"territorial integrity" remains in brackets.

C. COMMITMENTS: In Commitment 1 (enabling environment),the qualification to provide a stable legal framework "in accordance with ourconstitutions, national laws and procedures" remains bracketed. In 1(i)(external economic environment), brackets remain on the reference to new andadditional resources. The reference to the "right to work and worker"s rights" remainsbracketed in the chapeau of Commitment 3 (full employment). Bothalternatives to 3(i) (workers' rights and labour standards) remain bracketed.

In Commitment 4(n) (international human rights instruments), bracketsremain around the reference to encouraging "adherence to international declarations"and the qualification that implementation be "with full respect for the sovereignty ofStates." In Commitment 5(f) (partnership between men and women), theButler text contained a bracketed reference to "the importance of responsible sexualand reproductive behavior and parenthood by men." Somava warned that the presswould have a field day if it remained bracketed. Iran called for the Cairo formulationthat refers to shared responsibilities, which delegates agreed to in principle.5(k) (women"s human rights) was approved as was the new 5(l)bis (Beijing Conference). In Commitment 6(c) (debt problem), theG-77/China accepted an EU proposal to "take full account of" the UN New Agendafor the Development of Africa and the Programme of Action for the Least DevelopedCountries, rather than take action "in the framework" of those instruments. The EUagreed to the reference to the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countriesand deleted the reference to the International Year for the Eradication of Poverty.Remaining bracketed references are: finding a [realistic], [effective], comprehensive,[equitable, development-oriented, durable] [and sustainable] solution to the debtproblem; taking action [on all types of debt]; and cancellation [or reduction] ofbilateral debt. In (e) (ODA levels), the G-77/China proposed removing thebracketed qualification to increase "the impact of" ODA, but the EU objected. InCommitment 8(j) (international finance), Ghana preferred "facilitate thetransfer" instead of "increase the flow." The EU objected. The US preferred (j)bis as a substitute ("Facilitate the flow of international finance, technologyand human skill in order to transfer sufficient resources for development towards thecountries with economies in transition"), noting that (j) did not reflect currentdiscussions. 8(q) (needs of economies in transition) was approved.


Sub-paragraph 78(c) (20:20) and its various alternatives remain bracketed. In78(f) bis (land-locked countries), the G-77/China proposed "thechallenges and problems characteristic to these countries" to replace "their highvulnerability and specially difficult circumstances." New 78 bis(implementation in countries with economies in transition) was approved, as was new84(e) bis (ECOSOC and World Bank implementation).Paragraph 84(g) bis (role of UN Committee on Economic, Socialand Cultural Rights) was agreed. In 84(b) (review), delegates agreed todelete the reference to a second WSSD. In 84(e) bis (ECOSOC), thetext remained bracketed. New 85 bis (technical cooperation) wasapproved. In 87(b) (UNDP), Norway called for brackets around the referenceto UNDP. The brackets remain in 86(c) (ILO).


During the course of the afternoon and evening, Working Group II managed tocomplete the second reading of Chapters II and IV, and part of Chapter III.


In paragraph 24 (urgent needs), the 1st bullet (strategies to reducepoverty) is bracketed to ensure consistency with Commitment 2. The 8th bullet (thefamily) contains both EU and Holy See formulations in brackets.

A. THE FORMULATION OF INTEGRATED STRATEGIES: Delegatescould not agree on a formulation for the chapeau in 25 (public efforts toeradicate poverty). There was no agreement on the alternatives for 25(b)(develop poverty eradication/reduction programmes), or whether 25(c)(addressing the structural causes of poverty) should be incorporated into 25(b).25(e) bis (poverty indicators) was bracketed pending consultations.

The only brackets that remain in 26(a) (analyzing policies/ programmes) arearound "family/families." In 26(d) (development schemes), the G-77/Chinadefined development schemes as structural adjustment programmes whereas the USthought it meant the construction of shopping malls or dams. The text remainsbracketed. In 28(a) (gender indicators of poverty), brackets remain around"family stability," pending further US consultations. In 28(b) (monitoringtargets), brackets remain around the "eradication" of poverty. In the chapeau to29 (enabling environment), there was another debate on "eradication," whichremains bracketed. Brackets are also in 29(a) (policy coordination).

B. IMPROVED ACCESS TO PRODUCTIVE RESOURCES ANDINFRASTRUCTURE: In 32(b) (protecting rights to land andresources), there was a lengthy discussion about traditional rights. There was noconsensus in the room or within the G-77, so "traditional" remains bracketed.

C. MEETING THE BASIC HUMAN NEEDS OF ALL: In 35(c)(access of women and children to social services), the Holy See added language on therights and responsibilities of parents, which the US bracketed. The G-77 proposal onthe struggle against contagious diseases (68(h)) has been moved to paragraph 35.

Some delegates complained that 36(e) (food security) does not make sense.The Secretariat will examine it. In 36(g) (reproductive health), Maltaproposed alternative language, which was accepted. The Holy See insisted onreference to parental guidance and the US bracketed it. The paragraph now reads:"Make accessible through the primary health-care system reproductive health to allindividuals of appropriate ages [with proper regard for parental guidance andresponsibility] as soon as possible and no later than the year 2015, in accordance withthe Programme of Action from the ICPD, taking into account the reservations anddeclarations made in Cairo." The Chair asked delegates to consult on 36(h)(combating malaria), 36(i) (eradicating preventable diseases) and a Swissproposal on healthcare for all.

In 37(d) (access to health services), the Holy See, Sudan and the G-77/Chinawanted to delete the list of health services, since it is not comprehensive, whileNorway and the EU preferred the existing text. The Holy See asked to bracket theentire paragraph. Brackets remain in 37(e) (maternal healthcare).

D. ENHANCED SOCIAL PROTECTION AND REDUCEDVULNERABILITY: Brackets remain around "language barriers" in the chapeauto paragraph 38 (basis for social protection systems). 38(i)(ensuring an adequate social safety net) remains bracketed. In 39(e)(protecting the rights of children), "family reunification" remained in brackets. Therevised text for paragraph 40 (protecting older persons) was accepted.


The second reading was based on CRP.5, Add. 3. In 64, the 3rd bullet(role of civil society in public policies) is still bracketed.

A. [PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS, CULTURAL DIVERSITY,]RESPONSIVE GOVERNMENT AND FULL PARTICIPATION IN SOCIETY:Brackets remain in the title. The G-77/China said the chapeau to paragraph65 should deal exclusively with human rights. In 65(i) (human rightstreaties), the EU said that Vienna language must be used. The Chair bracketed it. TheUS bracketed "requires" in the chapeau to paragraph 66 (encouraging fullestparticipation in society). 66(b) was bracketed after Benin questioned civilsociety's role in policy formulation.

B. NON-DISCRIMINATION, TOLERANCE AND MUTUAL RESPECTFOR AND VALUE OF DIVERSITY: The US bracketed "requires" in thechapeau to paragraph 67 (eliminating discrimination). Sudan"sproposed addition, "at the national and international level," is also bracketed. Althoughdelegates accepted the Holy See"s proposal to add "religious intolerance" to67(a) (regulations against discrimination), they bracketed the sub-paragraphdue to questions about enacting laws against xenophobia.

C. EQUALITY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE: In 68(f), Algeriasubmitted: "ensuring that structural adjustment programmes are so designed tominimize any negative impact." It was bracketed.

D. RESPONSES TO SPECIAL SOCIAL NEEDS: No brackets remain inthis section.

E. RESPONSES TO SPECIFIC SOCIAL NEEDS OF REFUGEES,DISPLACED PERSONS AND ASYLUM SEEKERS, DOCUMENTEDMIGRANTS AND UNDOCUMENTED MIGRANTS: Interested delegationsworked for over eight hours on this section. The three paragraphs were accepted withonly minor amendments. Delegates deleted 70(d), since reference to hostagesdoes not belong here. In 70(e) (repatriation of refugees), Algeria asked who"other relevant actors" are. Some delegates felt that they include internationalorganizations, NGOs and IGOs. Algeria preferred more specific language. TheSecretariat will come up with a formulation.

F. VIOLENCE, CRIME, THE PROBLEM OF ILLICIT DRUGS ANDSUBSTANCE ABUSE: Brackets remain around the chapeau of paragraph 71(problems of violence).

G. STRENGTHENING FAMILY TIES: 71 bis (familyties) remains bracketed.


In paragraph 47 (unremunerated work), delegates bracketed the HolySee"s proposal on social recognition for "such work by reflecting its value in thesatellite accounts of gross national product." In paragraph 48 (urgent needs),the G-77/China agreed with the Chair to consider the bullet on documented migrantsin relation to what was agreed in the informal-informals.

In paragraph 51 (stimulating employment), all brackets remain in relation tothe problem of "required." The EU said it could support the alternative wording byadding "sustainable" growth. Brackets remained in the chapeau of paragraph52 (private sector growth) and in paragraph 53 (access to productiveemployment). 55(b) (respect for workers" rights) remains bracketed.


WORKING GROUP II: The Group will meet at 10:00 am to considerChapter III, Section D. There will also be a third reading of Chapter I.

INFORMAL-INFORMALS FOR WORKING GROUP II: The informal-informals will meet at 10:00 am to resolve some of the outstanding issues in ChaptersII, III and IV.

PLENARY: The Plenary will meet this afternoon to discuss the organizationof work for the Summit.

CLOSING PLENARY: Since the documentation will not be ready in alllanguages until Saturday, the closing session of the Plenary of PrepCom III is now scheduled to take place Saturday morning.

