Naoko Ishii, GEF CEO and Chairperson (left), confers with GEF Secretariat staff members.

57th Meeting of the GEF Council

16–19 December 2019 | Washington DC, United States of America

Global Environment Facility - GEF


The 57th meeting of the Global Environment Facility Council adopted a Work Program, comprising 48 projects and five programs, with total resources amounting to USD 588.5 million. The Council discussed a proposed private sector engagement strategy and heard updates by the Conventions on activities leading up to “super year 2020."

Final report

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1st GEF Assembly

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2nd GEF Assembly

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3rd GEF Assembly

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4th GEF Assembly

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40th Meeting of the GEF Council

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41st Meeting of the GEF Council

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42nd Meeting of the GEF Council

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43rd Meeting of the GEF Council

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44th Meeting of the GEF Council

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45th Meeting of the GEF Council

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46th Meeting of the GEF Council and 5th GEF Assembly

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47th Meeting of the GEF Council

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48th Meeting of the GEF Council

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49th Meeting of the GEF Council

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50th Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting

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51st Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting

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52nd Meeting of the GEF Council Meeting

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53rd Meeting of the GEF Council

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54th GEF Council Meeting and 6th GEF Assembly

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55th Meeting of the GEF Council

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56th Meeting of the GEF Council

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57th Meeting of the GEF Council

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58th Meeting of the GEF Council

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59th Meeting of the GEF Council

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GEF Consultations with Civil Society

Past event

60th Meeting of the GEF Council

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GEF CSO Consultations on Youth-led Advocacy and Solutions

Past event

61st Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

GEF Consultation with Civil Society on Inclusive Microfinance

Past event

62nd Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

63rd Meeting of the GEF Council

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64th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

7th GEF Assembly

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65th Meeting of the GEF Council

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GEF Consultation with Civil Society on the Role of CSOs in Building Sustainable, Resilient, and Inclusive Cities

Past event

66th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

GEF Consultation with Civil Society - Conversation on GEF initiatives and approaches to Civil Society

Past event

67th Meeting of the GEF Council

Past event

68th Meeting of the GEF Council
