Highlights and images for 12 December 2018




Act!on Agriculture: Wednesday 12 December COP24 Act!on AgricultureThe final day of the Act!on Agriculture event brought together scientists, agriculture practitioners, and public and private sector stakeholders to continue discussions on ways to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the agriculture sector, while ensuring co-benefits. Sessions focused on ways of implementing agroecology, building capacity in measurement, reporting and verification (MRV), and raising the ambition of agriculture in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).The session on capacity building in agricultural MRV demonstrated the importance of improved GHG emission MRV techniques in enabling countries to develop national GHG inventories, and thus improve transparency in emission reporting. The final session on raising the ambition of agriculture in NDCs drew from the discussions of the previous days to shed light on how countries can meet their Paris Agreement commitments through emission reductions in agriculture. Setting the pace for this session, Sigrid Kaag, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, the Netherlands, emphasized the importance of public-private partnerships to support smallholder farmers to apply appropriate technologies to increase yields, while reducing emissions.The three-day event was closed by Michael Creed, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland, who said that, while reducing agricultural GHG emissions is challenging, the sector has a critical role to play in combating hunger and achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. Creed closed the meeting at 6:01 pm.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB+ Meeting Coverage, provided web coverage from the COP24 Act!on Agriculture, as well as a summary report in HTML and PDF.

Photos by IISD/ENB | Natalia Mroz / Diego Noguera

For photo reprint permissions, please follow instructions at our Attribution Regulations for Meeting Photo Usage Page

Building Capability in Agricultural Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV)


Hayden Montgomery, Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases


Hugh Martineau, Ricardo Energy & Environment

Karl Richards, Teagasc, Ireland


Panelists during the event


A participant reads the event brochure

Participants listen to the discussion

Raising the Ambition of Agriculture in NDCs: 2020 and Beyond

Sigrid Kaag, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, the Netherlands


Manish Bapna, World Resources Institute


Ben O’Brien, Beef + Lamb New Zealand


John Carnegie, BusinessNZ


A participant takes a photo of the slide presentation


Kristen Ann Hite, Oxfam International, moderated this session


Martien Van Nieuwkoop, World Bank


Stanley Kimaren Riamit, Indigenous Livelihoods Enhancement Partners (ILEPA)


A participant poses a question

L-R: Manish Bapna, World Resources Institute; Ben O’Brien, Beef + Lamb New Zealand; Martien Van Nieuwkoop, World Bank; Stanley Kimaren Riamit, ILEPA; and Kristen Ann Hite, Oxfam International

Michael Creed, Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland


Rachel Dunn, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand


A participant listens to the presentations


Ronny Jumeau, Permanent Representative of Seychelles to the United Nations


Participants at the Pacific and Koronovia Pavillion