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at ITTC-34

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34th Session of the International Tropical Timber Council and Associated Sessions of the Committees 
12 - 17 May 2003 Panama City, Panama 

Highlights for

Saturday, 17 May 2003

ITTC-34 Chair Bin Che Yeom Freezailah (Malaysia) opened the final session of the Council on Saturday morning. Delegates considered and the reports, made pledges to the Special Account and Bali Partnership Fund, adopted the session's decisions, and heard closing statements. Above photo L-R: Ricardo Anguizola, ANAM (Panama), Vice-Chairperson Jan McAlpine (US), Chair Bin Che Yeom Freezailah (Malaysia) and ITTO Executive Director Manoel Sobral Filho.

Closing Council Session:

Jan McAlpine, Chairperson of the ITTO Fellowship Panel
, introduced the Panel's report (ITTC (XXXIV)/18), underlining the importance of the Fellowship Programme and thanking its main donors.

Japan asserted his concern that more member countries must contribute.

CRF Chair Henri-Félix Maître (France) presented, and delegates noted, the CRF's report on its thirty second session (ITTC(XXXII)/7).

CEM/CFI Chair Fidel Reyes Lee (Guatemala) presented, and delegates noted, the CEM/CFI joint report (CEM, CFI(XXXII)/10). Noting that the CEM and CFI had met jointly for the first time, ITTC-34 Chair Freezailah congratulated Chair Reyes Lee and CEM/CFI participants for their successful and efficient work.

CFA Chair Pravit Chittachumnonk
(Thailand) presented the CFA report on its thirteenth session (CFA(XIII)/7).

Indonesia expressed concern regarding a recommendation to Council to write-off the Russian Federation's contribution subject to the full settlement should the country decide to rejoin the ITTO. He noted that this may create a precedent contrary to the ITTA, 1994, and called on Council to reconsider the recommendation.


TAG Chair Barney Chan urged the Council called for close cooperation between ITTO and CITES and encouraged support for the CSAG/TAG partnership. He urged the ITTO to work with international agencies to forge a package of national and international measures to address illegal logging and trade.

CSAG Chair Andrew Deutz said CSAG aims to broaden the participation of under-represented social groups in the CSAG, including local communities, labor and indigenous peoples. He noted that CSAG looks forward to collaboration with TAG.

Maxim Lobovikov, International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR)
, expressed interest in establishing a stronger relationship between INBAR and ITTO, highlighting possible areas of cooperation, including statistics, certification and illegal logging.

Finland, on behalf of the Consumer Group, applauds the cooperative spirit of the meeting and underlines the value of the decisions that were made at this session.

Cameroon, on behalf of the Producer Group, expresses satisfaction with the quality of the work completed at the meeting and stresses the importance of issues relating to capacity building, financing, and removing constraints on trade.

In its closing statement, the European Community advocated intensified efforts to support long-term economic development in pursuit of poverty reduction, and noted the EC's continued effort to enhance capacity building in producing countries.

Juan Carlos Navarro, Mayor of Panama City
, thanked ITTO for its good work, noting that ITTO's ongoing projects contribute to sustainable forestry around the world. He highlighted Panama's commitment to parks and public-private partnerships.

Ricardo Anguizola, Administrator General of the National Environment Authority of Panama
, congratulated delegates for their work and underscored Panama's commitment to SFM. He highlighted that SFM can help to alleviate poverty and emphasized the need for phased approaches and cooperation with CITES.

ITTC-34 Chair Freezailah thanked the Government of Panama and its people for hosting ITTC-34. He congratulated delegates for their professionalism and spirit of compromise, expressing hope for a similar positive atmosphere at PrepCom I. Chair Freezailah gaveled the meeting to a close at 2:16pm.

ENB Snapshots: 


ENB Summary of ITTC-33 in PDF (English)

ITTO website, with documents for the meeting (includes provisional agendas),
and information about the ITTO.

Linkages forests, desertification and land issues page, including a brief introduction
to global forest policy

UNFF Website

FAO Website 

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