As discussions on the Glasgow Dialogue begin, members of civil society demonstrate in the corridors

UN Climate Change Conference - United Arab Emirates Nov/Dec 2023

30 November – 13 December 2023 | Dubai, United Arab Emirates

UN Framework Convention on Climate Change – UNFCCC


Parties adopted a decision operationalizing the new loss and damage fund and a number of parties announced pledges for its initial capitalization. But negotiations were difficult on the other central outcomes: the first Global Stocktake, the Global Goal on Adaptation, the mitigation work programme, just transition pathways, and climate finance.

Final report

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2023 is set to be the warmest year on record so far, according to the World Meteorological Organization. Following the hottest September ever, 2023 will be approximately 1.4°C above pre-industrial average temperatures. As governments and other stakeholders gather in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), for the UN Climate Change Conference, the sense of urgency for ambitious climate action has never been more critical.

Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) will meet in Dubai to continue charting the pathway for global efforts to address climate change. Discussions will build on progress made at the 27th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP) held in November 2022 and the 58th sessions of the UNFCCC’s Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) and Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) held in June 2023.

The first big ticket item of the meeting is the completion of the first Global Stocktake (GST) under the 2015 Paris Agreement. The aim of the GST is to assess collective progress towards achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement, notably looking at the state of greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation efforts, and finance flows. This assessment, which is to take place every five years, is intended to guide the course of further climate action.

The assessment of the first GST is unequivocal: the world is severely off track. Yet, as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report showed, solutions are readily available and, with rapid intervention, it is still possible to secure a safe and liveable future. Against this background, there is a clear expectation for the outcome of the first GST to lead to a course correction. How this will look remains to be seen: while there is growing momentum for the adoption of a target on tripling renewable energy capacity, discussions on fossil fuel phase-out pathways remain contentious.

The second big ticket item is the operationalization of the funding arrangements and fund for responding to loss and damage. The decision to establish such a fund was hailed as the breakthrough achievement of COP 27. However, the breakthrough decision was set up as an empty shell, with all details to be worked out at a later stage. Discussions on this took place throughout 2023 in various formats, including the Second Glasgow Dialogue, dedicated workshops, and ministerial consultations. A Transitional Committee was established to develop recommendations on modalities such as delivery triggers, eligibility criteria, and sources of funding.

Developing countries are calling for the operationalization of the funding arrangements and fund at COP 28. Yet the task is by no means small and such a timeline couldn’t be more ambitious. For reference: it took five years for the Green Climate Fund to become fully operational. Notes on the work of the Transitional Committee underscore not only the number of technical questions that have yet to be addressed, but also the need for political-level guidance to sort out divergences.

There is also a host of other issues to be addressed in the five, largely concurrent negotiations streams relating to the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement, the SBI, and the SBSTA. Among others, parties will continue their deliberations on a new collective quantified goal on climate finance, the global goal on adaptation, cooperative approaches under the Paris Agreement (Article 6), and just transition pathways.

As was the case at the Bonn Climate Change Conference in June 2023, delegates can expect the Dubai conference to face disagreements over the meeting’s agendas. Two agenda items proposed by the Like-minded Developing Countries promise to be especially controversial:

  • Urgently scaling up financial support from developed country parties in line with Article 4, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement to enable implementation for developing countries; and
  • Operationalization of the principles of equity and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in accordance with Article 2, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement.

Much attention will be paid to the role of the UAE Presidency and to how fossil fuel production will be addressed throughout the meeting. The conference will also serve as a platform to raise the profile of interlinkages between climate change and food and health, respectively.

The conference will convene from 30 November - 12 December 2023, at the Expo City in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

The Earth Negotiations Bulletin writers for this meeting are Jennifer Bansard; Jennifer Allan, Ph.D.; Anna Dubrova; Christina Mundin; Hillary Rosentreter; Joyce Melcar Tan; Tomilola Akanle, Ph.D.; Mari Luomi Ph.D.; and Lynn Wagner, Ph.D. The Digital Editor is Mike Muzurakis. The Editor is Pamela Chasek, Ph.D.

As discussions on the Glasgow Dialogue begin, members of civil society demonstrate in the corridors

Activists call for loss and damage finance

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11th Session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee for a Framework Convention on Climate Change (INC/FCCC)

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1st Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

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1st Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 1)

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2nd Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

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1995 Year-end Update on UNFCCCC

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2nd Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 2)

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3rd Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

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5th Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate and 4th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 4)

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5th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 5)

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6th Session of the Ad Hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate

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6th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 6)

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7th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 7)

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10th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 10)

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12th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 12)

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13th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 13)

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16th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 16)

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18th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 18)

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Workshop on "Forests and Forest Ecosystems: Promoting Synergy in the Implementation of the Three Rio Conventions"

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20th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 20)

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22nd Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies (SB 22)

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24th Session of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies and Associated Meetings

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Nairobi Climate Change Conference – November 2006

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26th Sessions of the Subsidiary Bodies of the UNFCCC and Associated Meetings

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Vienna Climate Change Talks - August 2007

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Bali Climate Change Conference - December 2007

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Bangkok Climate Change Talks - March/April 2008

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Accra Climate Change Talks - August 2008

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Poznań Climate Change Conference - December 2008

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Bonn Climate Change Talks - March/April 2009

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Bonn Climate Change Talks - June 2009

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Bonn Climate Change Talks - August 2009

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Bangkok Climate Change Talks - September/October 2009

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Barcelona Climate Change Talks - November 2009

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Copenhagen Climate Change Conference – December 2009

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Bonn Climate Change Talks - April 2010

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Bonn Climate Change Talks - May/June 2010

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Bonn Climate Change Talks - August 2010

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Tianjin Climate Change Talks - October 2010

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Cancún Climate Change Conference - November 2010

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Bangkok Climate Change Talks - April 2011

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2011

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Panama City Climate Change Conference - October 2011

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Durban Climate Change Conference - November 2011

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2012

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Bangkok Climate Change Conference - August 2012

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Doha Climate Change Conference - November 2012

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - April 2013

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2013

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Warsaw Climate Change Conference - November 2013

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - March 2014

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2014

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - October 2014

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Lima Climate Change Conference - December 2014

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - August 2015

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - October 2015

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Paris Climate Change Conference - November 2015

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2016

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Marrakech Climate Change Conference - November 2016

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - May 2017

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Fiji / Bonn Climate Change Conference - November 2017

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - April 2018

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Bangkok Climate Change Conference - September 2018

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Katowice Climate Change Conference - December 2018

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2019

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Chile/Madrid Climate Change Conference - December 2019

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June Momentum for Climate Change

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UN Climate Change Dialogues 2020

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Climate Ambition Summit 2020

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Glasgow Climate Change Conference

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Bonn Climate Change Conference - June 2022

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Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference - November 2022

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UN Climate Change Conference - United Arab Emirates Nov/Dec 2023

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Event organised by


National governments
United Arab Emirates
Negotiating blocs
Like-minded Developing Countries
