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Tenth Regular Session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA-10)

8-12 November 2004, Rome, Italy

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Highlights for Wednesday, 10 November 2004

Delegates to the tenth regular session of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA-10) heard reports from international organizations and addressed: a Norwegian proposal to establish a seed storage facility in the Arctic Circle; the draft code of conduct on biotechnology; future work of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITWG-PGR); cooperation with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD); and FAO activities on agricultural biodiversity. The Near East nominated Egypt, Iran and Jordan for participation in the ITWG-PGR, and Egypt, Iran and Yemen for the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITWG-AnGR). Above photo: Clive Stannard (CGRFA) (left) in conversation with delegates from CGIAR headed by Emile Frison (center).



ANGOLA expressed appreciation for Nordic support to the Southern African plant genetic resources programme. Above photo: Elizabeth Matos (Angola)

NORWAY presented a proposal to establish a seed storage facility in the Arctic Circle. Above photo L-R: Jan Borring and Grethe Evjen (Norway)


The THIRD WORLD NETWORK (TWN) stressed the need for regulation preventing the introgression of transgenic materials in centers of origin. Above photo: Li Chin Lim (TWN)

Cameroon, on behalf of the AFRICAN GROUP, underlined the need to develop capacity in African countries to create demand-driven genetically modified (GM) crops. Above photo: Jacob Mbua Ngeve (Cameroon)


CANADA presented a compromise reached in an informal group on the ITWG-PGR's future work. Above photo: Campbell Davidson (Canada)

The EU supported stakeholder involvement in the review of cooperation between CGRFA and ITPGR. Above photo: Hans Hoogeven (The Netherlands on behalf of the EU)


The CBD outlined relevant decisions of its seventh Conference of the Parties. Above photo: David Cooper (CBD)

The UNITED NATIONS UNIVERSITY offered to assist the CGRFA on ITPGR implementation and other areas. Above photo: Bradnee Chambers (United Nations University)

The WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (WIPO) reported on the outcomes of the seventh session of its Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property and Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore. Above photo: Antony Taubman (WIPO)

The International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) stated that the UPOV Convention and the ITPGR should be mutually supportive. Above photo: Makoto Tabata (UPOV)


The INTERMEDIARY TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT GROUP (ITDG) outlined threats to agrobiodiversity, including monocultures, proprietary seeds and GMOs. Above photo: Patrick Mulvany (ITDG)

IPGRI presented a report on the activities of the CGIAR centers, including partnerships with other institutions and organizations. Above photo:  N. Delegates from CGIAR, from left, N. Ruaraidh Sackville Hamilton, Olivier Hanotte, and Cary Fowler.


The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements highlighted the First World Conference on Organic Seeds, held in Rome in July 2004 and called for guidelines on the co-existence of conventional and genetically modified crops. Above photo: Christina Grandi (IFOAM)

SWITZERLAND called for developing guidelines on sustainable agriculture and rural development, particularly in mountain regions. Above photo: Geert Kleijer (Switzerland)

Side Event: Full House at the Nordic side-event on access and rights to genetic resources at the meeting of the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, Rome, Italy.

The Nordic Council of Ministers side event attracted a global set of key players and stakeholders working on issues related to rights and access to genetic resources. More than 100 delegates, NGO and IGO representatives attended the lunchtime event on 9 November 2004.  Lise Lykke Steffensen (above right) from the Nordic Council of Ministers moderated the event and presented the well established and long running Nordic collaboration on genetic resources.

Jose Esquinas, (left) Secretary for the CGRFA stressed the important role the Nordic countries have played in developing the regimes for rights and access to genetic resources, and highlighted synergies and interconnections within the international legal instruments governing access and rights to genetic resources. 

Grethe-Helene Evjen from the Norwegian Ministry for Agriculture and Food presented the Nordic Ministerial declaration on rights and access to genetic resources 2003.  A more detailed analysis of follow-up in the different sectors was done by Bent Skovmand from the  Nordic Gene Bank, Erling Fimland (right) from the Nordic Gene Bank for Farm Animals and Kerstin Stendahl-Rechardt (center) from the Nordic Genetic Resources Council.

CGRFA Exhibit: 

Above photos: CGRFA-10 transformed FAO's beautiful atrium into an international genetic resource landscape with help from various organizations. 

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CGRFA Homepage
CGRFA-10 documents
ITPGR Homepage
ITPGR IC-2 documents
CGRFA-9 ENB Summary Report (HTML, PDF, TEXT)
ITPGR IC-1 ENB Summary Report (HTML, PDF, TEXT)

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