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10 March 

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13 March 

14 March 



8th Meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice of the Convention on Biological Diversity  
10 - 14 March 2003 | Montreal, Canada


Daily Web Coverage |Curtain| |Mon 10| |Tue 11| |Wed 12| |Thu 13| |Fri 14|

Highlights for
Thursday, 13 March 2003

Delegates met throughout the day in two Working Groups. Working Group I (WG-I) considered Conference Room Papers (CRPs) on biodiversity and tourism, and mountain biodiversity. Delegates discussed the programme of work on mountain biodiversity in Friends of the Chair and contact groups. Working Group II (WG-II) considered CRPs on inland waters, marine and coastal protected areas, deep seabed genetic resources, mariculture, and dry and sub-humid lands.

Above photo: WG II delegates in a huddle to discuss text on inland water.

Working Group I: 

NORWAY, supported by AUSTRIA, recommended that the Executive Secretary streamline and make the guidelines more user-friendly after the conduct of pilot projects.

The PHILIPPINES, urged integrating the guidelines into existing national tourism strategies. 

The SEYCHELLES stressed application of the precautionary principle, and opposed references to sustainable tourism.


COLOMBIA stressed that recommendations should remain within the framework of mountain biodiversity and not extend to technology transfer.

The RUSSIAN FEDERATION requested capacity building for countries with economies in transition. The document was approved as amended.

IRELAND suggested that the expert group on mountain biodiversity focus on targets and outputs.


In the afternoon, delegates considered UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/A/WG.1/CRP.3 on the operational plan of SBSTTA. Regarding a reference to the document on assessment of SBSTTA recommendations (UNEP/CBD/SBSTTA/8/13), AUSTRALIA noted its reservations regarding Decision VI/23 on invasive alien species. Left photo: The afternoon dias of WG I.

CANADA suggested, and delegates agreed, to take note of, rather than endorse the background document. The CRP was approved as amended. Left photo: John Herity (CANADA) in discussion with a delegate from ETHIOPIA.

Working Group II: 


Slovenia, on behalf of the CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES, supported by the EC and SPAIN, and opposed by AUSTRALIA, suggested deleting repeated references to trade-related agreements in the text.

CANADA suggested preventing the introduction of invasive alien species in the context of restoration and aquaculture development activities.

CAMEROON said watershed management goals should not be limited to the use of indigenous species for aquaculture.


BURKINA FASO suggested including the importance of reducing poverty to combat desertification in the CBD and UNCCD strategies and implementation plans.

GERMANY, supported by others, requested that the Executive Secretary facilitate the review of national biodiversity strategies and action plans and their harmonization with UNCCD national action programmes. The document was approved as amended.


Work programme:

The EC supported mention of indigenous and local communities' needs in text on enabling activities and partnerships. Noting the need to avoid anticipating the Multi-year Programme of Work meeting's outcomes,

Marine and coastal protected areas:

Following a suggestion by Turkey, delegates debated language on MCPAs beyond national jurisdiction, and agreed to a compromise UK proposal stating that jurisdiction in the high seas is provided for by international law, including UNCLOS and regional agreements.

Deep seabed genetic resources:

Contact group Chair Elaine Fisher (Jamaica) (right) reported on the work of the contact group, highlighting deletion of a recommendation on cooperation within the framework of the International Seabed Authority.


The UK suggested that environmental impact assessments should not be mandatory. 



ENB Summary of  CBD SBSTTA-7 ( HTML or PDF )

CBD Secretariat web site with official documents 

ENB's Introduction to CBD



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