Highlights and images for 7 November 2016



The fifty-second session of the International Tropical Timber Council (ITTC-52), and the Associated Sessions of the four Committees (Finance and Administration; Economics, Statistics and Markets; Forest Industry; and Reforestation and Forest Management) opened on Monday, 7 November 2016 in Yokohama, Japan. During the opening session, delegates heard statements from the ITTO Officer-in-Charge, the ITTC-52 Chair, the Assitant Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs for Global Issues, Japan, the Director-General for International Affairs of the City of Yokohama, and the Minister of Forests and Wildlife of Cameroon.

In the morning, Council addressed organizational matters, including the ascertainment of quorum for the meeting, redistribution of votes, adoption of the meeting's agenda, and approval of the admission of observers. The Council also heard the report on selection of six shortlisted candidates for the position of Executive Director (ED) and reports from the special Oversight Committee created by ITTC-51 to address the impairment of ITTO funds.

In the afternoon, the report of the Informal Advisory Group was presented, including the list of possible decisions for ITTC-52. The Credentials Committee reported on acceptance of credentials and which countries can exercise voting rights. Council also heard presentations from the six ED candidates.

IISD Reporting Services, through its ENB Meeting Coverage, provided daily digital coverage and a summary and analysis report of the 52nd Session of the ITTC and Associated Sessions of the Committees. The summary and analysis report is available in HTML and PDF format.

Opening Session

Dais during the opening session with L-R: Ndole Philip Ngwese, Minister of Forests and Wildlife, Cameroon; Koichi Aiboshi, Assistant Vice-Minister for Global Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan; Tabi Agyarko, Vice-Chair of ITTC-52; Jennifer Conje, Chair of ITTC-52; Steven Johnson, Officer-in-Charge, ITTO Secretariat; and Makoto Sekiyama, Director General, International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama, Japan

Jennifer Conje, Chair of ITTC-52

Koichi Aiboshi, Assistant Vice-Minister, Global Issues, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan

Makoto Sekiyama, Director General, International Affairs Bureau, City of Yokohama, Japan

Steven Johnson, Officer-in-Charge, ITTO Secretariat

Ndole Philip Ngwese, Minister of Forests and Wildlife, Cameroon

Council Session

L-R: Tabi Agyarko, Vice-Chair of ITTC-52; Jennifer Conje, Chair of ITTC-52; and
Steven Johnson
, Officer-in-Charge, ITTO Secretariat

Rosette Rasoamanarivo, Madagascar

Putera Parthama, Indonesia

Rob Busink, the Netherlands

Jorge Malleux, Peru

Anna Tyler, New Zealand

Luke Thompson, US

Stephanie McFadden O'Neill, US

Producer group delegates from Africa, consulting

Katharina Kuehmayer, Austria, presented the Credentials Committee's report

Eheth Ongmanong Victoire, Cameroon, newly appointed producer spokeperson

Delegates from Malaysia

Candidates for ITTO Executive Director

Putera Parthama, Indonesia

Stephanie Caswell, US

Gerhard Dieterle
, Germany

Ivan Tomaselli, Brazil

Sheamala Satkuru, Malaysia

Torgny Söderman
, Sweden