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a) Financial Resources

1. All countries could develop and implement, as appropriate, national forestry programmes and/or plans that are integrated within the national sustainable development programmes as called for in Agenda 21. These should identify priority areas and financial resources required to achieve the management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests. Such programmes should also incorporate strategies for generating necessary financial resources internally and externally.

2. Additional financial resources could be made available through increased ODA contributions for the implementation of Agenda 21.

3. The efficacy, adequacy and better coordination of the existing financial mechanisms could be considered either by the CSD Working Group on Finance or a suitable task force established by the CSD.

4. The CSD may wish to call attention to new and/or innovative sources of funding, such as joint implementation; National Environment Funds; GEF; other sources noted in the synthesis above; and "rent capture", i.e., optimization of public income from commercial forest management, with an appropriate proportion reinvested in the national and local forest institutions, and in management, conservation and sustainable development of all types of forests.