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b) Transfer of Technology

1. Within the context of national forestry programmes, developing countries could formulate a policy framework which identifies and facilitates priority technologies to be transferred, modified and further developed.

2. Priority should be given to the strengthening of national capacity to manage the inter-sectoral issues and evolving technological needs for achieving forest development.

3. Partnerships between private and public sectors of developed and developing countries should be promoted to facilitate effective technology transfer and development of new technologies. This should also include South-South cooperation to exchange and transfer the technologies on sustainable forestry development.

4. International agencies such as UNEP, ITTO and FAO should be encouraged to work cooperatively to develop databases and disseminate information on technologies for sustainable forestry development.

5. Linkages should be promoted and contacts should be fostered between forestry institutions in developed and developing countries.

6. Ways should be explored in which technology protected by IPR can be made available to developing countries on concessional terms through aid programmes or other means, such as mutually agreed sharing of benefits.