On Tuesday morning the Congress reconvened in plenary for a panel discussion on investments that will help build a resilient future, moderated by CBS television journalist Debora Patta. Panelists discussed: the role of forests in improving the resiliency of countries to reduce vulnerability to extreme weather events associated with climate change; the transdisciplinary nature of research and development required to understand complex systems; the need for adaptation in the forestry sector and investments to build resilience; a collective strategy for coordinated action that includes both sustainable production and consumption; and facilitating communication between people and their leaders.
During the second session of the Sub-Thematic Dialogues, in a series of parallel World Café sessions on resilience and forests, participants focused on: the role of fire management; the role of tree genetic resources in maintaining the adaptive potential of forests; different African forest ecosystems management approaches to withstand economic, environmental and social shocks; the costs and negative impacts of the biological trade on the economy, society and the environment; building greater resilience through integrating trees into farming systems; and addressing the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation through appropriate climate change policies and actions, including active community participation.
Other Sub-Thematic Dialogues included panel and interactive discussions on: the role of forests in ensuring future food security and nutrition; investing in sustainable forest and landscape restoration and management for the triple win; how forest-based products can reinforce trends towards sustainable cities, green architecture and healthy living with wood; developments in the national forest inventory and national forest monitoring systems; and the need to foster understanding of sustainable forest management (SFM), promote the benefits that forests bring to society, and build meaningful and constructive dialogues.
In the afternoon, an Africa Day special event focused on the important role of African forests in improving food security and water availability, protecting biodiversity, and in mitigating and adapting to climate change. Panelists discussed, inter alia, successes in improving SFM on the continent, while combating illegal logging, agricultural expansion and rapid population growth.
The special event on wood energy for the future explored the outlook for wood energy in households and modern industries. Panelists highlighted the need for framing wood as a modern sustainable energy source and called for increased efforts in developing value chains and innovation.
The International Forests and Water Dialogue was held throughout the day. In the morning, keynote presentations introduced the international forests and water agenda, and the scientific aspects of forest-soil-water relationships, including the impacts of climate change and uncertainty. In the afternoon, several speakers presented recent research on forest-water relationships, followed by a session on ground-level experiences of forest management for water. The first day of the Dialogue concluded with a World Café showcasing examples of forest-water interactions from different countries.