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ENB:06:11 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


During the PrepCom, Vice-Chair Lionel Alexander Hurst from Antigua and Barbuda held consultations on the draft provisional rules of procedure for the Conference (E/CONF.84/PC/2/Rev.1). Delegates agreed to include a draft rule that permits associate members of the Regional Commissions to participate in the PrepCom. Using language drawn from the UNCED rules of procedure, the draft rule allows such delegations to participate as observers without the right to vote. The Committee, however, was unable to adopt the draft rules of procedure because the G-77 had some serious concerns with some of the language. The G-77 suggested that during the intersessional period the Secretariat should consult with interested delegations in the redrafting of certain rules including: 1 (participation in the Conference); 2 (size of delegation); 6 (provisional participation of delegations); 7 (election of officers, specifically the size of the Bureau); 9 (voting rights of the President); 10 (composition of the general committee); 12-14 (Secretariat); 16 (decisions concerning organization); 17 (report of the Conference); 19 (powers of the President); and 62 (distribution of written statements). The PrepCom agreed to postpone adoption of the draft provisional rules of procedure until PrepCom III.