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ENB:06:27 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]


PREAMBLE: PrepCom Chair Dr. Fred Sai reminded delegates that PrepCom II had mandated the Secretariat to prepare a preamble to serve as a chapeau to the substantive chapters and to reflect other related international conferences and instruments. He expressed his concern with some of the G-77 and EU amendments that had been submitted to him, since they eliminated references to important themes in the original preamble. Sweden, supported by Norway and New Zealand, proposed that the preamble be drafted as an executive summary. Australia suggested that the preamble should be incorporated as the Cairo Declaration. Delegates were asked to submit comments to the Secretariat, who will produce a revised text. Dr. Sadik noted that the final draft could only be completed once the substantive chapters were finalized.

PRINCIPLES: Dr. Sai reported that he had held consultations aimed at streamlining the Principles section. The G-77 called for a principle to address the rights of migrants. Sweden suggested four possible bases for action: relevant UN conferences; other documents on the status of women and children; other basic UN instruments, such as the UN Declaration on Human Rights; and a short chapter summarizing the basis for the ICPD's work. Pakistan noted that Principle 7 should provide the basis for unbracketing references to family planning and reproductive health.

Dr. Sai confirmed that Principles 8 and 10 would be held in abeyance pending the completion of negotiations. Canada and the US said that where principles are derived from other instruments, they should be quoted exactly. Norway suggested adding inter-generational equity to Principle 5. On Principle 7, Norway added reference to the right to liberty and security of the person as well as the basic right to decide freely and responsibly the number and spacing of children. Australia, New Zealand and Bolivia suggested stronger reference to the specific problems of indigenous peoples. Australia also requested stronger language on the participation of women. India insisted that the text take into account sustained economic growth. Morocco supported India and called for reference to the problem of international migration. Nepal requested reference to safe motherhood wherever family planning and reproductive health is mentioned. The Russian Federation suggested an addition to Principle 6 on the full integration of countries with economies in transition. Yemen lamented the lack of commitment from developed countries to assist developing countries and called for principles to address international support. Dr. Sai said that issues related to women's participation, socio-economic development, migrants and indigenous peoples will be reflected in the revised text.

XVI. FOLLOW-UP TO THE CONFERENCE: The G-77 proposed that discussion on this chapter be postponed to allow time for regional groups to work out consensus language. Since there was no opposition, the Chair agreed, if the changes would be ready by Wednesday morning.

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