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ENB:06:27 [Next] . [Previous] . [Contents]



A. International Migration and Development: In 10.3 (keeping people in their home countries), the US and Australia called for mechanisms to ensure "the human rights" of minorities. Cuba objected to the creation of market-oriented economies in all countries. Delegates agreed to the Russian Federation and Croatia's suggestion to refer to reducing the gap between developed economies and those in transition. Uganda's suggestion to ensure the right of "political opponents" was bracketed.

B. Documented Migrants: Canada, the EU, the US and Australia reminded delegates that this chapter is on long-term migrants. Delegates agreed to add a statement on temporary migrants. In 10.9 (discrimination in receiving countries), the Philippines asked for equal treatment of migrant women and children after marriage dissolution. Canada, Malaysia, and the US objected, but accepted an Australian compromise that governments, within the limits of national legislation, are asked to consider special treatment for migrant women and children. In 10.10 (measures to integrate long-term migrants), Turkey mentioned the need to ensure the right of family unification. The US, Japan and India wanted to refer to international human rights law instead. The Philippines proposed language on avoiding age discrimination.

C. Undocumented Migrants: In 10.13 (objective), delegates agreed, despite US and Japanese objections, to take into consideration Venezuela's suggestion to include the same objectives reflected in Section B on combating discriminatory practices and ensuring protection against racism. In 10.14 (elimination of causes of undocumented migration), El Salvador, Panama and Colombia asked to identify the causes of migration. In 10.16 (status of undocumented and unaccepted migrants), Japan wanted to delete reference to international laws protecting the human rights of such migrants. Algeria agreed there are difficulties associated with such laws, but emphasized their importance.

D. Refugees and Asylum-Seekers: In 10.20 (ensuring international protection of refugees and displaced persons), the EU opposed the "equitable sharing of responsibilities." Croatia objected and the term was bracketed. In 10.21 (international support), delegates agreed to consider Cameroon's suggestion to include the obligation of refugees to abide by the laws of the host country. In 10.21b (governments' role in voluntary repatriation), India disagreed with interdependence between long-term development and refugee repatriation, stating that reconstruction plans should be independent of repatriates. In 10.22b (refugee resettlement), Cameroon, Guinea and Niger disagreed with refugee resettlement at borders close to their home. Brazil's suggestion was accepted to keep the issue of safety into consideration, while giving preference to places close to their homeland. In 10.23 (right to return and relevance of principles of the UN Charter), the US requested deletion of the whole paragraph since it refers to politically-sensitive issues unrelated to the ICPD mandate. Algeria, Croatia, the Holy See and Palestine objected.


A. Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health: In 7.3 (objectives), the Chair noted agreement to divide the paragraph: (a) to replace "high-quality" information with "comprehensive and factual"; retain "the full range of services" instead of the "broadest possible range," and to bracket "full range," and add "adolescents" as family planning users; and (b) to add "responsible decisions" and bracket "fertility regulation."

In 7.4 (actions), Bolivia suggested that all countries should strive to make reproductive health care accessible. The Philippines suggested an alternative. The Chair proposed a compromise: "All countries should strive to make accessible through the primary health care system reproductive health to all individuals of all ages as soon as possible." Honduras requested brackets around "of all ages." Indonesia proposed inclusion of safe motherhood. Pakistan, supported by Panama, added education to family planning. The Holy See opposed inclusion of safe abortion. Brazil stressed that abortion is a reproductive health problem, citing that 25-30% of all pregnancies in Latin America end in abortion. Norway said that reproductive health care includes health promotion and disease prevention. The US asked to include pregnancy termination, while the EU transferred "pregnancy termination" to Chapter VIII. Nicaragua, Benin and the Holy See disagreed.

In 7.5 (reproductive and sexual health-care programmes), the US asked to reinsert the statement on more management roles for women in health planning services. In 7.6 (innovative programmes), Malta, Brazil and Japan deleted wording that such programmes must be separate from those designed to serve women. Bolivia suggested that similar programmes be designed for men to share in family planning, domestic and child rearing responsibilities.

In 7.8 (countries in transition), the EU, Bangladesh and Pakistan supported the text in its current formulation. In 7.9 (migrant access to reproductive health), the Holy See deleted reference to reproductive "rights". The US stated that it will provide a proposed definition of reproductive health and rights. The EU and Finland preferred the current formulation. The Chair bracketed "rights." Delegates agreed with Cuba's reference to the needs of adolescents.

B. Family Planning: In 7.12 (a) (objectives), Honduras preferred "men and women" instead of "couples and individuals." Norway objected. The Chair explained that the reference "couples and individuals" includes adolescents and this was agreed to 20 years ago. The Holy See insisted that individuals cannot encompass adolescents, and called for brackets around "individuals." Pakistan explained that the needs of individuals occur in two contexts, as individuals and in a couple. In (b), Bolivia preferred reference to maternal mortality and morbidity instead of "diseases." In (e), India preferred "responsibility of men in the actual practice of family planning." Burkina Faso requested a new (f) to deal with breastfeeding as a form of contraception.

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